Imagine : Klaus

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Imagine: beer pong with Klaus

You look at yourself in the mirror and sighed, oh how much you hate school dances but you had no choice. Your best friend , Caroline was the reason why you were going, if it was for her you'll be sitting at home and watching Bones. Wondering who was the murderer but sadly you have to go to that stupid dance.

A ring was heard, you quickly went into your room to fetch the phone and see who is it. It was a text from Damon, you had a sick feeling that Damon was going to ask you for a favor.

(Third p.o.v )

She huffed and toss her phone on the bed then goes back to the bathroom she fixes her make up then grabs her keys from her desktop. She heads off to the school, as she arrived to the parking lot she heard a screaming of annoyance. She quickly dashes to where the screaming was coming from. When she got inside the gym, she sighed in relief.

"Caroline! What's wrong?" She said as she reaches to the gym. A smile began to appear on her face but she had to cover it up and be a good friend.

"Oh! No! The gym is ruined and all the hard work we did." She said trying to sound convincing. Caroline looked at her and gave her a glare, then reply "Who would do such a thing?"

"I don't know. But what are we going to do."

"We can have it at my house. My mother won't mind." Someone suggested

Both of the girls turn around to notice it was Tyler, Caroline smiles and says" Really! "

"Yes"he assures her, a bunch of squeals slip out of mouth and Y/n huffed out of annoyance. She thought she could get away and not go.

"Okay! I'll see you at his. I need to do some touch ups." Caroline said and waves good bye.

Y/n turns to Tyler and punches him on his shoulder then murmurs "Good job! Dimwit, now I have to go."


Y/n parks her car in front of the Lockwood Mansion, she was amazed on how Tyler could fix up a party in seconds. She walks to the door, the door opens up immediately to see the mighty Klaus standing with that annoying smirk of his.

"Lovely seeing you here." He shows his signature smirk.

Y/n rolls her eyes and retorts "I wish I could say the same." She walks pass him.

"Come on, love. Don't be mean."

She ignores him and walks to where everyone is, she notice Damon was giving off instructions to everyone. He turn to look at you and said "you go distract Klaus."

"Why do I have to distract Klaus?" She asked.

"Because you look fuckable and he has a thing for you." Damon said

She huffed in annoyance and hears the rest of the plan.


Y/n goes to the bathroom to do some touch ups on her makeup and fix her hair to look presentable. She walks out of the bathroom, began her search for Klaus. She notices him playing beer pong with his hybrids. As she has her phone on hand, she felt a vibration; she picked it up and saw there was a text from Damon. He was telling her not to fuck up his plan. Y/n made a face of annoyance and turn off her phone. She walk towards where Klaus is at, one of the waiters that was walking around handing people glass of wine or any other   alcoholic beverages. She picks one up from the trays and swirls the liquid around the cup. She brings the rim of the cup to her lips and takes a sip, while she sees at Klaus. As he felt her eyes piercing his skull, he looks up and give her a smile. He makes a gesture for her to join him, Y/N shakes her head no and gives a small wave. As she was about to leave, Klaus takes a hold of her wrist and pulls her towards him. He leans closely to her and whispers" Lets play."

"I have to tell you, Sir. I do not know how to play."

"I can teach you. Do not worry."

Y/n mouths an okay and walk towards the pong table, she places her hand on the edges of the table. Klaus turns to her and explains how the game goes. She gave him a nod and says excitedly  "Let's make this game interesting."

Klaus raised a brow and replied "How?"

She gave a soft smile and tells him"The loser has to be the slave for the winner, form at least two months."

Klaus had a shock expression but quickly smirk, then gave his famous smirk.

"Alright, love. Let's begin shall we."


As both of you throw the plastic ball into the cups, it was a draw. A tie, but there has to be a tiebreaker to end this game. Therefore, the loser could pay the price.

"Last round, love." Klaus announced excited.

Y/n scoffed and brush her bangs away from her face, "Aww, do not worry nikkiepoo. I am going to win."

"As they say may the odds be at your favor."

As she aim the ball to go inside the cup, sadly, the ball did not went in. She cursed and slammed her hands on the table, while Klaus smiled. He knew that he won, even though he aim the ball to her cup and successfully made it in. He walks up to Y/n with a big smile on his face and says,"Well, loser. As my personal slave, I order you go on a date with me."

Words: 959

I am back!!!! Finally!! I am sorry for the wait but I have been struggling to update a new imagine (i was struggling to finish this one) but I am done. Also I am trying to complete all revising the first book. Also if you love me, please read my new one shot book called "On The Other Side" if you are a big fan of bts or your bias is the one and only Min Fucking Yoongi. Then please do read. I love every single one of you and I hope you have an amazing thanksgiving. Love you guys so much.

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