Imagine 》 D, S, J, K, NIK & E

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Imagine 》 Going shopping with them

It was a simple Friday afternoon, I'm making my way to the grill to ask six of my favorite best friends to help me choose a dress. 

I walked inside The Mystic Grill seeing them waiting there patiently and also death glare each other.  I slipped out a soft laugh and I made my way towards them.  Damon looks up and sends me a smile.  They all turn and waved at me, I said my hellos' .

"Are you ready boys ." I said.

"Yes, darling but what are we will be doing."Kol asked.

"We will be dress shopping because I'll be needing a dress for the Miss. Mystic Falls Competition ." I said while getting up.

Jeremy groans and says "Really for a dress? "

"Yes for a dress and no buts.  C'mon let's go. "

They got up from the booth and we made our way to the mall. 


As we walked inside the mall, everybody stared at us. Wondering why on earth  there's 6 guys walking behind a girl like lost puppies. We walked inside  the store and began ranging through the dresses. Klaus came with 4 dress in hand, in all shades of blue. But non catched my eyes, I shook my head no. He went back to look for more, Stefan and Kol came with 4 other dresses for me to look at them. I looked at the two dress Kol had in hand, there's a yellow and light purple. I grab the purple and said I was going to try in on. As for Stefan, I got the dark red dress he was holding and well for the other dress he was holding,  let's just say I'm not a big fan of pink. 

Elijah, Klaus and Damon came with dress of different color variety, I picked the dresses that I would like  and the others, they put them back where they belonged


As I was fitting on the dress, I could hear Jemery groaning of fustration and mumbling how he was going to kill himself. Then Kol being himself, he said "Go ahead no one is going to stop you."

They began to have an argument but then Elijah told them to shut up or he was going to kill them.

I giggled softly, while putting on purple dress, Kol hand me. I walked out the dressing room to show them the dress when I walked out Damon and Stefan shout out " Who decided on this dress."

All eyes shifted to Kol then Kol said "What she looks amazing."

"Yes, she looks amazing but not hot, so that's not the dress."Klaus said

I nod and turn around, walk into the dressing room.


There was one more dress and it was the dark red one. I walked out of the dressing room and showed them the dress.

" I think this is the one." I simply said

They all groan except for Stefan, he had a smile across his face.

"Why are you guys groaning. The dress is beautiful. "

"It is but if Stefan hadn't choose it."Kol muttered.

I shook my head at their silliness and I turn around to change.


A/N: Sorry for not updating, I'll post three more Imagines for you guys. 
Also I'm running out of ideas to write, if you like to give me any ideas for the imagines or preferences comment down below or inbox me ideas. I'll give you guys credit.

Thank you, guys for 2.17k reads and 150 votes it's insane. I really appreciate it that you guys like this book for some unknown reason even tho that I have a lot of grammar and some errors.  Anyway again thank you so much my loves, this means so much to me.


X_klaus_mikaelson_x ❤😚

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