Chapter 1

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Eight years later

A young girl, just stepping into womanhood, raced through the darkened forest. The cuts decorating her body slowly healed themselves as she ran from whatever was chasing her. Her eyes were wide with fear and determination, her skin was pale, almost glowing in the darkness.

Behind her, five men chased after her, dressed in black clothes. Silent bullets flew through the wind, hitting the trees, but just missing her. She allowed her wolf to guide her, to warn her when a bullet was close to hitting her.

She was silently panicking, she had no idea where she was going. In the back of her mind, something kept nagging at her, telling her she was almost home.

What is home? She wondered as she continued running.

Before she had left, her father mumbled something about it being eight years sincd they left home. She didn't understand, how come he remembered, but she couldn't? She was beyond confused, but not once did she think of asking her father.

She did remember one thing, through the dark haze that clouded her mind. Her father was the reason she was in this mess.

"Shoot her! Before they find us!" A man sneered.

She let out a cry of pain as a bullet tore through her calf. She stumbled a bit, but refused to back down. The silver bullet burned her flesh, but she blocked out the pain. She was used to this pain, after being nothing but an experiment to the black clothed men, she was numb to it.

She froze when a howl echoed through the night, sending a chill down her spine. Behind her, the men cursed and quickly ran off. She frowned as they mumbled that their boss was going to kill them. She snapped her attention to the bushes as three large wolves jumped out. Behind them, a tall and muscular man stepped into the moonlight.

His eyes widened, "No fucking way. Lilianna?"

She frowned, the man looked familiar, but her mind was empty of answers. She glanced at the large wolves, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." The man snapped.

She looked back at him, "I-I'm sorry...who are you?"

He frowned, "You don't remember me?"

"No, am I supposed to?"

He pursed his lips, "Do you know what you are?"

"Um...I think a human...I don't know." She mumbled. "They never told me."


"The men clothed in black."

"You mean...the hunters?" He asked.

She bit her lip nervously, "I guess."

The man sighed and looked at the confused wolves.

"This isn't good." He sighed.

Lilianna studied the wolves again, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why are you surrounded by over sized wolves? Do you train them or something?"

One of the wolves whined and shook its head, the man had a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"You'll learn soon enough. Alpha Seth wants to see you." He replied.

He took a step towards her, causing her to immediately take a step back. He froze at the sudden fear and alertness in her eyes.

"Don't touch me." She growled lowly.

He swallowed, her eyes went darker, showing him her wolf was somewhere in there. He nodded slowly, unsure of what to do.

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