Part II: Chapter 4

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Lilith sighed as she stepped into the packhouse, her heart felt heavy at the thought of Kaden. A week has passed since Darien sentenced him, he had improved, but he refused to get close to her again. She didn't love him, at least, that's what she continued telling herself. She could see the love in his eyes, but there was also pain there. She began to wonder what had caused him to become so lost, so broken. She walked into the kitchen and sat down while Chloe ate her donut and read the paper.

"What's wrong?" the Luna questioned, glancing at her witch friend.

"Kaden." she grumbled.

"Did he threaten you?" 

"No...he refuses to get close to me. We talk, but...if I ask him anything personal he immediately goes quiet again. Yet, he'll ask me personal questions and I answer them. He refuses to touch me, as in, he won't even hold my hand. When I try to comfort him, he immediately flinches away from my touch. I don't know what to do or what his problem is." she ranted.

Chloe frowned, "I have visited him myself this week, he's a very lost man."

"If it's about me forgiving him, then...he needs to patient. I will, eventually, forgive him."

"Lil, I think the problem isn't you forgiving him, I think it's him forgiving himself. People like him punish themselves, any punishment they receive is never enough, they hate themselves to the point they ruin themselves even more." Chloe sighed. "Unfortunately, that's the direction he's heading in."

Lilith frowned as tears pooled into her eyes, "He already ruined himself, now, he's just killing himself."

"Maybe the doctor should visit him twice a day, I don't want him slipping into some depression. He can't handle much more." Chloe whispered.

"I don't understand though, what even started all of this?"

Lilith watched as Chloe stiffened, the Luna placed her mug down and ran a hand through her hair. "Ariel."

"Of course. He's heartbroken over a woman who's not even his mate." she growled.

Chloe shook her head, "You don't understand. Ariel...she....she manipulated him, made him believe she loved him. Whenever she saw that he was starting to fall deeper in love with you, she made sure her control over him became stronger. She was a lunatic, to say the least. What she did actually feel for Kaden wasn't love, it was more lust, she was obsessed with him." 

"How come he never told me this?" she whispered.

"I'm not sure, but...Ariel is the reason he's such a mess. She broke his heart over and over again, she strung him along, finding joy in destroying him. She found it funny when I almost left Steven because of her, she drugged him and made him have sex with her. Of course, once I calmed down and rejected him, she told me this. That woman did guide the pack like a true Luna, but behind closed doors, she was as evil as they come." Chloe growled. 

Lilith bit her lip, "So...she shattered him."


"Well, I'm going to put him back together again. I can't stand seeing him like this."

Chloe smirked, "You love him."

Lilith's eyes widened, "What?"

"You are in love with Kaden."

"No, it's just the mate-bond. It's growing stronger because we're closer." 

"Block that bond for a week, then see what happens." Chloe said before putting her mug in the sink and walking away.

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