Chapter 31

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His mother frowned, "How do you know?"

Lilianna froze, she wanted to tell her who she was, but she panicked. "I...uh...she's a friend of mine."

The woman's eyes lit up, "Do you think I could meet her? I know I haven't seen her since the first few minutes of her life, but, I miss my daughter."

Lilianna's heart hurt as she took a shaky breath, "I don't know. I have to go."

She scurried out of the room as tears pooled into her eyes. She wiped them away as they fell, but more ended up rolling down her cheeks. She had no idea why she was so upset, deep down though, she knew why. She thought over everything as she started running through the forest.

"Lilianna, go back to our mother!" Her wolf sounded.

"No." She whimpered. "What do I even say? I was formed out of an affair...nothing more."

"Lil, come on, she's your mother. She loves you."

"The day she became pregnant with Darien was the best day of her life. The day she became pregnant with me? Nothing."

"You're over thinking it. Instead of running, maybe you should talk to her."

"I want to talk to Seth first..."

"Fair enough."

She shifted and finished the few miles to the packhouse, once she returned, she quickly got dressed and ran inside. She searched for Seth until she found him in their bedroom, reading a book. When she closed the door, he snapped his head up, worry filled his eyes when he saw the tears on her face.

"Hey, baby girl, what's wrong?" he questioned, quickly getting up.

"Darien's mom is my mom." she whimpered. "I was formed out of an affair."

Shock washed over his features, "You mean...Darien is your half brother?"

She nodded, "How am I supposed to deal with this? I-I've been through so much drama and now my mother just comes walking back into my life."

"Are you mad at her?"

"'s just...what if she doesn't love me as much as she loves Darien? Sh-she said the day she became pregnant was the best day of her life, but when she became pregnant with me...nothing."

"Did she tell you how she felt she was pregnant with you?" he asked.

She frowned, "No...I ran."

"Does she know you're her daughter?"


He sighed, "You can't run from this, baby girl. She's your mother, eventually, she'll learn who you are."

"For ten years of my life she never visited, not even when Susan was on a business trip." she mumbled. 

He sighed, "She left when you were five...Darien's father kept her locked up. He was abusive towards her, she probably didn't want to risk it." 

"I was her dirty little secret." 

"Lil, come on, I'm sure she loves you."

She shook her head as she continued to cry, Seth frowned, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She cried for a little while longer until she fell asleep, resting her head on his chest. He continued to hold her though, not wanting to let her go until he knew she was okay. 

Chloe grinned as she took the cookies out of the oven, her mouth watered when the scent hit her nose. Right as she placed the tray down, she heard someone step into the kitchen and pull out a chair. She spun around to see Darien's mom sitting at the table, her eyes were dull with desolation.

"Lilith? Are you okay?" she questioned. 

The woman snapped her head up, "I...I just met my daughter and I didn't even know."

"Who's your daughter?"


Chloe's eyes widened, "Does she know?"

"Yeah, she ran out crying. I...I don't know what I did."

"Well, that girl has been through a lot in the past two and a half months. Finding out that our beta's mother is her mother is a lot to take in." 

The woman sighed, "But why was she crying?"

"I'm not sure, you two are due for a huge talk." Chloe grinned.

"At this point, I don't think she wants to talk to me." 

"Oh, you and your daughter with the over thinking. You two always go to the negative side of things. Does she know about you cheating on Darien's father with her father?" 


"Okay, well, she may think that she was a dirty little secret. I mean, it sounds as if she was formed out of an affair and not true love. Aaron isn't your true mate, even though you two were and still are in love."

"I don't want her thinking I'm not going to love her as much as I love her brother. I know I'm closer to Darien, but someone had to protect him from his father. Even though I failed at that too." 

Chloe smiled sadly, "Hey, Darien is healing up now thanks to you. Lilianna has been through a lot, let her calm down and then sit down and talk to her." 

The woman frowned, "What has she been through?"

Chloe released a breath, "Her step-mother abused her and threatened Aaron constantly, she was tortured for eight years by the hunters, and then came back to Seth's pack and was tortured some more until Seth came to his senses." 

"Oh my god..." the woman whispered, her eyes filled with horror. "I thought she would be safe..."

"She would have been, but Susan was working for the hunters and had forced Aaron to work for them too." Chloe sighed. 

"Where is Aaron?"

"The hunters have him, but Seth has been trying to figure out how to get him out of there." 

The woman ran her hand through her hair, "My poor little girl..." 

When Lilianna woke up, Seth was sound asleep with his arms still wrapped around her. She quietly removed herself from his arms, she quickly kissed him on the cheek before turning and leaving the room. She thought over everything as she walked towards the kitchen, she knew she overreacted, but she had no idea what to do. It's not everyday you find out that the guy who tried killing your mate and had his own issues was your half brother and that your mother was a witch. 

She ran her hand through her hair as she stepped into the kitchen, when she looked up, she froze. Lilith stood there frozen as well, for a few seconds, neither one of them moved. Lilith finally cleared her throat and clasped her hands together.

"I think we need to talk." her mother whispered.

Lilianna nodded, "Yeah, we do."

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