Part II: Chapter 15

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Lilianna stepped into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The morning's light lit the kitchen up, making it look beautiful in her eyes. When she looked up, she saw her mother talking to some woman. The woman had similar features to Kaden, which caused her curiosity to grow.

"Hey, mom, who's this?" She asked.

Lilith smiled, "This is Kaden's younger sister, Maria. Maria, this is my daughter, Lilianna."

Maria frowned, "I didn't know you had another pup with Kaden. She's practically a female version of him."

"Oh, she's not his biological daughter..." Lilith trailed off.

Maria furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you sure? She looks a lot like him. She has his jaw, nose, eyes, eye lashes, hair and everything!"

Lilith looked at her daughter, she bit her lip. "I She's Aaron's daughter."

"She looks nothing like him." Maria argued, raising an eyebrow.

Lilianna cleared her throat, "I'm sure I'm his..."

"I refuse to believe it. She can't be Aaron's while looking like Kaden. Did you only have sex with Aaron before becoming pregnant with her?"

"Well, Kaden and I had sex a...." she trailed off.

Lilianna looked between the two women, "Mom...did you only do it with Aaron or did you mate with Kaden too?"

"Well, a few times, we had sex. It was always on date night."

"Let's solve this, when did you stop getting your period?" Maria asked.

Lilith gave her a are-you-stupid look, " was twenty-one years ago. I can't remember."

"Fine. Then a DNA test."

"Why are you so on this suddenly?" Lilith sighed.

"Because, she looks exactly like him!" Maria exclaimed. "And you know my huge thing for needing to know."

"Fine, we'll get a DNA test, but I highly doubt I'm his daughter." Lilianna sounded.

Maria grinned, "Great! Now...Viktor is going to have to pin him down. He's not a fan of any type of tests in hospitals."

Kaden looked up as Lilith, Maria, and Lilianna walked in. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

Maria grinned, "DNA test."

"Excuse me?"

Lilith sighed, "She believes Lilianna is, in fact, your biological daughter and not Aaron's."

Kaden gaped at them, "But we didn't...oh...nevermind. We did."

"Exactly. So, it's test time." Maria grinned.

Lilianna sat down in a chair, she ran her hand through her hair as she released a breath.

"My life is all sorts of crazy." She mumbled.

It took a while for Viktor to come back with the results, when he stepped into the room, all of them stared at him, anxious for their answer. He sighed and bit his lip, he stared at the papers.

"Thank god this girl isn't related to that fucked up wolf hunter." He grinned.

Lilith paled, "Wait, she's Kaden's daughter?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, but I can't believe I couldn't figure that out!" She fumed.

Lilianna stared at them in shock, they all looked at her to see she wasn't breathing. Viktor chuckled and patted her back.

"Breathe kid." He grinned.

Kaden remained silent, he too, was shocked. He glanced at his daughter, she was doing what he always does when he's stunned. She was running her hand through hair and tapping her foot.

Viktor smirked, "We have an idiot Jr. In the family!"

Lilianna scowled at him, "You will have my foot up your ass if you call me an idiot one more time."

Kaden smiled, "Yeah, she's definitely my daughter."

A/N: Surprise motherfuckers!!

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