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Chloe's POV
In super excited for mine and Beca's date tonight, I don't know what it is or where it is, i mean this is Beca, she's a very unpredictable person.

I shut my car door and turned round to be met with Chris. "Hey" i said chirpily.

"Good morning, how was your weekend?" He asked as i threw my hand bag over my shoulder and locked my car.

"It was good, yours?" I asked back and he nodded silently "it was okay, i got into a fight in a bar though..." He explained in a quiet voice and i nodded, not wanting to ask why in case it got him angry. I saw brunette hair to my left and glanced to see Beca, we smiled at each other, she was with her sister who looked glum and sad and Stacie and Benji.

They were walking in front of us, Cammie had left with her friends, when Ben from Beca's year came up to her and put an arm round her shoulders. "So Beca..." He started "i was wondering, what kind of flowers are Cammie's favourite?" He asked and ran his fingers through his hair. What Beca did next actually took the breath from my lungs.

She grabbed his collar and slammed him up against the lockers. "You like fucking younger girls? Making them feel like sluts, huh?!" She screamed in his face before throwing him to the floor and jumping on him, punching him in the chest, in the shoulders, in the jaw.

"Hey! Break it up!!" Chris bellowed from beside me and grabbed Beca's shoulders and yanked her up and threw her to me. I tried to be professional and took her shoulders, her face bright red in anger and a frown so far down you could barely see her eyes. She shrugged from my grasp and i pushed my door open to my room and let her in, i looked back to Chris who was telling the crowd who gathered to go and walked off with Ben.

I heard Beca scream from inside and she picked up a desk ready to launch it at the wall. "Hey!!! Don't bother!" I screamed at her and she slammed it back down. I plopped my bag down on my desk and crossed my arms over as she paced the room. She took her bag off and launched it at the wall, her breathing high and quick.

"What the hell was that Beca?!" I whisper shouted, she looked at me. And pointed to the door "Cammie, is pregnant because of that pervert of a dick head" I gasped, she's 15!! And pregnant! I was taken aback and didn't really know what to say.

"She's gonna kill me" she whispered and put her hands on the back of her head and paced in circles. She span round to face me "please don't tell anyone" she begged, i held my hands up and shook my head.

"I won't say anything, but what're you gonna say to the majority of the school who watched?" I asked, her eyes glassed with tears as the realisation hit her. "Oh fuck" she whispered and a few tears fell, i walked over to her and span her round by the shoulders and wrapped my arms round her neck, she put hers round my waist and cried onto my neck, shaking as if she was cold. I stroked her hair and shushed her.

The door opened and in came Chris, we broke away, he gave us a smile and he stepped aside and we saw Camden. She rushed over to Beca, her tears spilling out of her eyes. The enveloped each other in a hug "im sorry, im sorry, im so sorry Cam" Beca blubbered and stroked Camden's hair. I felt a tear or two fall myself as i turned to Chris, he put an arm round my waist and we left them in the room.

I let out a long breath and fanned my eyes with a laugh to try and dry them. "What happened?" He asked, I shook my head.

"She doesn't want me to say...sorry" i whispered as we walked to the staff room together. He stopped me and frowned.

"Chloe...tell me" he pushed on, I shook my head "I can't, I promised her I wouldn't" he tutted.

"She punched Ben all over...Chloe, i think there's a bit more of a serious explanation" he went on, his voice low and serious.

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