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Chloe's POV
As i lay on Beca's chest and listened to her thudding heart beat, i felt as though a huge hole had been filled. It was spontaneous but it was the right time and i think we both knew it.

"Chlo?" I heard Beca's small voice.

"Hmm..." I hummed in response as the euphoria still washed over me.

"Do you fancy a hot chocolate?" I smiled and raised up, i glanced down at her and nodded. We changed into some comfy clothes and hoodies and made our way out, our fingers entwined in a comfortable silence. I took a seat on the log and watched Beca throw some twigs on the fire which began to blare up again. She put some water in a pan and placed it over the top of flame, she then took two plastic cups and placed some powdered chocolate in them and left them beside the fire before coming to sit beside me.

"You cold?" She asked nervously, i nodded and hugged my arms where the hairs on them began to prick up. As if like a shot, Beca flew over to the tent and returned seconds later with a red blanket and gently draped it round my shoulders, sitting close to me and leaving an arm round my shoulders, i smiled at her and she removed her arm immediately.

"Sorry" she whispered, i frowned.

"Silly thing, no need to be sorry" i said and pecked the side of her mouth and laced my fingers with hers and sat closer. She smiled and took her hand off mine to put it round my shoulders.

"I couldn't really tell how you were feeling, you're being really quiet" i smiled at her nervousness.

"Im just enjoying the after effects" her eyes widened and i wiggled my eyebrows at her. I heard bubbling and we looked to the fire and saw the water had boiled. Beca stood and took the pan, filling the plastic mugs and walking back over handing me a mug then sitting beside me again. She looked into my eyes before hesitantly leaning in and kissing me softly and nervously. She went to pull away put and i put a hand on the back of her neck, not wanting to break the kiss. I swung my legs over just one of hers and wrapped an arm round her neck. We pulled back for breath and i stared down at my hand, playing with the string on her hoodie. I smiled and looked up at her and into her eyes.

"So, I didn't, like, make you fake your orgasm cos you felt sorry for me? Or scare you off? Or not do enough..?" I chuckled and shook my head, i stroked her cheek.

"No, it was all perfect" I whispered and pecked her softly. She cleared her throat.

"Just excuse me a second, I'll be right back"

She returned a minute later with her guitar case in her hand. She sat beside me (to my left) and took out her guitar (left handed) and relaxed a little bit.

"Okay so, you're about to see a side to me that you won't see very often. Im not a very mushy person and i probably won't do many romantic gestures so savour this one" she paused and took a deep breath "I've never felt anything towards anyone like i do with you, you've brought out this new side of me, so I've expressed that in song" my expression softened and i actually thought i was gonna cry "yeah..." she chuckled at herself "I've written you a song. Its called I Wouldn't Mind" she took in a breath through her nose then out of her mouth "okay, please don't laugh" I tutted and rolled my eyes at her.

"Would i really do that?" I asked and she gave me a warm grin before setting up her hands in the right places before clearing her throat and strumming at a quick tempo, I couldn't help but smile.

"Merrily we fall out of line, out of line...i fall anywhere with you, im by your side...swinging in the rain humming mel-odies...we're not going anywhere until we fre-eze" she plucked a few strings then strummed once, giving me a cheeky smile, something that i found difficult to see through my watery eyes.

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