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Chloe' POV
I was waiting for Beca to come back in from outside where she was getting some air, but she was taking ages, she went out about a half hour ago and I'm starting to worry. My phone buzzed, it was Beca thank God:

Her: Hey Chlo, I'm suddenly not feeling good, I'm gonna head off xxx
Me: Oh okay, i hope you feel better soon babe xxx

I frowned, this wasn't like her and she certainly wouldn't just text me, she'd have come in and told me. Strangely enough, Devilhoyde hasn't been around for a while.

"Whats wrong miss?" I heard a voice and turned in my chair to see Jesse standing and taking his blazer off and he took a seat beside me.

"Beca's gone home, she doesn't feel good" i explained quietly and he rolled up his sleeves.

"Thats not like her"

"I know thats what i thought too...I knew she wasn't keen on being here, but i thought she'd have stuck it out" i shrugged.

"Yeah she'd stay here for you at least" he nodded, frowning. Then i noticed Devilhoyde strutting back in, swinging his blazer round his shoulders and shrugging it on then pulled his metal mask down his face again, he took out a black handkerchief and slowly wiped his hands on it then tucked it back in his pocket, i swallowed hard and suddenly felt my heart beating in my ears.

"Oh my God" i whispered to myself.

"What? What's wrong?" I turned to Jesse.

"You need to swear down on your life that you won't repeat what i tell you, cos you'll cause more panic than when Donald Trump became president" i said quickly and he chuckled to himself.

"Okay, i swear" he put a hand over his heart and nodded.

"Mr Delahoyde is crazy, he has this thing going on inside his head and he finds it hard to deal with things changing in his life" Jesse watched me as he listened, "and you probably heard that me and him had a 'thing' that ended probably before it started, but i didn't know that he'd fallen in love with me. Then he found out that me and Beca were together and that messed his thing up in his brain and we found out that he's been planning to hurt Beca, like seriously hurt her, and I'm scared that he's done something to her tonight" my voice broke off and i choked a sob, his face was something of shock and anger, he put a hand between my shoulder blades.

"Hey calm down, we might be jumping to conclusions here...she might be poorly" he said calmly, i nodded.

"Yeah you're right" i took a breath in to calm myself, "i'll go see if she's gone home"

"Yeah, i'll come with you," he stood up and pulled his blazer on. We found the rest of them on the middle of the dance floor, "guys, me and Jesse are heading off, Beca's gone home cos she's not well so we're gonna see if she's alright" i explained.

"Oh thats a shame, but i get you" Stacie nodded and hugged us both before Jesse allowed me to link his arm and we walked out to the front having ordered a taxi.

It pulled up outside Beca's house and we got out. I knocked on the door and her mom opened, looking surprised to see us.

"Oh, hello you two, i wasn't expecting you" she said cheerily and stepped aside, we went in together, "what's happened? Beca got too drunk?" she chuckled, i shook my head.

"Has she been home at all?" She frowned and squinted at me as if i was a crazy person.

"Why, no dear...its prom, why would she come home?"

"She hasn't been here at all?" I asked.

"No, why? Whats happened?" She seemed to be getting worried now and i didn't want her to panic. Her dad came from the kitchen drying something with a towel.

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