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Beca's POV
I woke from a scary dream with a flinch. I released a breath and gasped it back in again. I heard a muffled moan and looked over my shoulder and saw Chloe snuggled into me, fast asleep. I enjoy being the little spoon. I smiled to myself and gently snuck from her grasp, i stood up and threw a shirt on over my bra and pulled on a pair of sweats over my undies and rolled them up to my knees. I tied my hair back and left my bedroom, i heard water running in the bathroom and rolled my eyes. Let my friends stay the night and they use my house like a fucking hotel.

I jogged downstairs and quietly snuck into the sitting room, Stacie and Aubry were spooning on the sofa, Benji and Emily were spooning on the floor, Fat Amy was asleep on the dining table, the others were positioned in various places. I yawned as i sauntered into the kitchen and over to the kettle where i flicked it on to boil. I gathered the empty bottles from last night and pulled them off the counter and into a black bag before dumping it in the corner. I got enough mugs out for those who like coffee in the morning and started making them.

A pair of arms slid round my waist and i tensed up, feeling a peck on my shoulder.

"Morning" Chloe croaked in my ear and i relaxed, i smiled and turned my head to peck her lips "hey beautiful, you okay?" I asked, she nodded and cowered into my neck and breathed out, her breath tickling me.

"Did you have a nightmare last night?" She asked slowly, still sleepy. I nodded "yeah, just a silly dream about a shark" we chuckled and she moved and leaned with her back against the counter.

"How do you look so gorgeous on a morning?" I whispered and she hid her face behind her hand, blushing. I stirred her coffee and she picked it up and blew gently.

"You're so cute Becs" she chuckled and made a 'cute' face, i rolled my eyes and she took her coffee and wandered back into the sitting room, my eyes travelling down to her ass. Jesse caught my eye and i smiled at him as he walked past Chloe and into the kitchen.

"Morning Mitchell" he greeted and pulled a shirt on over his wet hair, i tutted.

"It was you in the shower?" I asked and he smiled goofily. "You sir, take the complete piss outta me" i muttered and handed him his coffee. He thanked me and i left the room and wandered over to Amy and prodded her belly.

"Up! Up! Up!" I shouted cheerily and she screamed, shooting up. I clapped my hands and walked round the sitting room, gently kicking people and tapping them to wake them up before going back to scold everyone's coffees.

I found Chloe upstairs changing with her back to me, just in some lingerie and struggling to fasten her bra.

"Oh hey" she greeted happily "can you do this please? I can't get it fastened" she asked, my mouth went dry as i walked over and took the clasp in my shaky hands before fitting it together.

"Th-there you go" i stuttered and cleared my throat and turned round, trying to hide my blush. I sat down on bottom of the bed and took my phone, i heard Chloe's seductive chuckle as the bed dipped where she knelt and it shifted slightly and she finished behind me with her hands on my shoulders and rubbed them gently, she kissed my cheek a few times then moved down to my neck where her lips sucked softly at me skin and i whimpered uncontrollably. I span round and pushed her down on the bed, she laughed flirtatiously and i discarded my sweats before straddling her hips. Her hands ran up my thighs to my ass, she just smiled at me then bit her lip. I leaned down and captured her lips, her tongue ran across my bottom lip, i granted access and it thrust into my mouth, mine did the same. All the while her hands running across my body, causing everywhere she touched to heat up. They'd go from my thighs to my ass then up my back to my shoulders.

I felt her fingers fiddle with the clasp on my bra, and i felt a whole wave of heat through my body and I moaned into the kiss. My bra loosened and she slowly eased the straps down my arms, i pulled back from the kiss and allowed her to take it off completely. I watched her expression change from blank to an appreciative smile as she stared at my bare chest, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. I crashed our lips together again and she took my boobs in her shaky hands as we kissed slowly and softly. There was a knock at the door.

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