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Beca's POV
There was a banging on my door which woke me. I opened my eyes and my dad came in.

"C'mon, up you get Beca, time for school" he said and switched my light on, i groaned into my pillows as a headache seemed to wash over my entire body from the excessive drinking. I dragged my shoulders up and my hair fell in my face, i scanned the messy room then Cammie caught my eye in the doorway.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" she chuckled, i smiled at her and brushed my hair from my face and stood up wobbly, one sock turned round the other hanging off my toes.

"My head has its own pulse" i groaned and walked past her into the bathroom, i heard her laugh to herself as she trotted downstairs. I tipped my head up to look at myself in the mirror, God i look horrendous. My eyes were puffier than a cupcake, my mascara had ran down my cheeks and my foundation half rubbed off.

I sauntered downstairs, having changed into a flannel and jeans, for breakfast which was waiting on the island counter. Bacon and eggs.

"Eat up you two, we need to get going" dad said and sipped his coffee, leaving the room. I rolled my eyes and dug into the food.

"Have a good night's sleep?" Cammie asked from across me.

"No" i mumbled and stuffed my mouth full of egg and bacon, my first decent meal in two days, she giggled at me, "how're you doing?" I asked, she nodded.

"Uhm...yeah, baby's fine" she rubbed her hand over her small stomach and grinned.

"How- how's Chloe?" I swallowed with a dry throat nervously.

"She's in absolute bits...she was so upset yesterday when you weren't replying to her messages" i dropped my head then my fork and i ran my hands up my makeup free face.

"I miss her so much Cam" i whispered, i had a quick check over my shoulder to see if my dad was there then span round to face Cammie, "we need a plan" i added, she frowned, "today when dad comes to speak to the Principle..." i dropped to an almost inaudible whisper, she nodded, i cleared my throat, "okay, after the meeting I'll try and find Chloe, you need to distract dad, take him back to the car, keep him talking...whatever. Try not to let him out of your sight..." i heard my dad's footsteps and trailed off, Cammie gave me a wink and as he turned round from the sink i stood up and walked outside to the car, waiting for them.

We arrived at school during homeroom and strutted in together, down the hall, we said bye to Cammie at her room and in silence we made our way to the principle's office. My dad knocked gently and he shouted.

"Come in!" We did and he glanced up blankly then smiled at us, "oh Mr Mitchell, Miss Mitchell, what a pleasant surprise" he stood up and stuck his hand out over his desk, my dad shook it and i just smiled at him, he gestured to the leather chairs and we sat down, "what can i do for you?" He asked and clasped his hands together on the table.

"Well, sir, i want Beca to move classes in English" my dad said, the principle nodded in understanding.

"Is there any reason for this? Cos I don't like to move seniors round too much considering its their last year"

"I just feel like she's not performing to her full potential with Miss Beale, and being a teacher myself i want every good thing for her and i don't believe that's Miss Beale" my dad went on, Mr Thompson turned to his computer and started clicking around then shook his head.

"I have to oppose Mr Mitchell, you see Beca's grades have increased from Cs to As in Miss Beale's class and Miss Beale is one of the best English teachers here im sure that if she puts the work in then she'll be performing" he explained and shrugged, my dad sighed.

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