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A/N Final chapter, i know there's been no warning, but i want to get this finished.

Beca's POV
I'm bored and I'm sick, I'm allowed to leave tonight and all i wanna do is go home and go to bed and never speak to my dad again, he left about an hour ago and there's been no word from him since. So my mom called Jesse and got him in to cheer me up.

"Yo. Guess what me and Sophie got up to last night?" He asked and slapped my leg, i glanced up from my hands and smiled, "butt stuff," I screwed my face up.

"Jesse that's gross, i don't need to know that" however i gave him a high five anyway, "well done though bro, me and Chloe haven't even done that sort of stuff yet" i giggled.

"Now who's the inexperienced one?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, don't go there. Who only just lost his virginity properly a few months ago?" i pointed at him.

"That's not fair" he scowled sarcastically, "So what have you's done?"

"You know, stuff" i shrugged.

"Like what, I know you've done a lot of stuff, but like what?" He pushed on,

"I don't kiss and tell"

"That's lies, you've told me some stuff, so tell me the rest" I huffed.

"We used a toy recently" i mumbled quietly.

"Oh yeah? Good?" I nodded eagerly.

"Hell yeah" he laughed at me. The nurse opened the curtain and smiled at us.

"Hello, how you doing?" She asked.

"Great, feeling better thanks" I masked my sadness well, I have to with a dad like mine you get used to it.

"Good, cos theres someone here for you" she looked to the curtain and it opened to reveal my dad, i groaned.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, looking down at my lap, then peaked at him beneath my eyebrows, he smiled at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Im sorry Beca, i really am" he started, "but i can't live with myself knowing that you hate me and you only hate me because i took away the one thing you love so i would like to return it - her. I wanna bring her back to you" he gave me a tight lip, genuine smile.

"What are you talking about? She's in jail remember and no amount of-" he stepped aside and in walked Chloe. Her smile forced my breath to catch and she stood awkwardly but i softened into a smile, feeling a silly giggle rise. I launched forward and crawled quickly to the edge of the bed and pulled her into my arms, she wrapped her arms round my waist and mine round her neck and buried in her hair. She held onto me with such a force that it hurt my stomach, i pulled back and she searched for my eyes, i cupped her cheeks and rested my forehead against hers, her lips jutted out to meet mine in a kiss full of adoration and passion, i kissed her back and snaked my fingers into her ginger locks and hers wound further round my waist. When breathing became a problem, we pulled back.

"I missed you" she said.

"I missed you too" i pecked her lips again and hugged her, i found my dad's eyes and noticed him crying.

'I'm sorry' he mouthed, i smiled at him gratefully.

'Thank you' i mouthed back and he nodded at me.

"Well, I've checked your stats and I'm pleased to say that you're free to go" the nurse announced happily, i smiled at Chloe who wagged her eyebrows.

"Great, thank you so much" i said to the nurse, she smiled happily.

"That's no problem" and with that, she left. Jesse put my overnight bag on my bed for me and unzipped it before taking out some leggings and a vest top.

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