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Beca's POV
Well...lets kiss my good life goodbye now, wouldn't surprise me if my dad even made me move schools. Im lying here, on my bed, letting the tears fall down the side of my face cos i have nothing else to do, nothing else to say and nothing else good in my life. My mom had come home a while ago and her and my dad have been shouting and arguing downstairs for the past 10 minutes, not that i can here what they're saying but i know that its about me. A knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts and i cleared my throat as it opened.

"Is what im hearing true?" My mom asked. I nodded.

"Yep. A hundred and ten percent true, im dating my teacher" i said slowly.

"Do you understand what you've done?" She asked, i chuckled.

"I've fell in love...mom. For the first time in my life, i loved someone so much that I'd jump in front of a train them without hesitation" i replied, still staring at my ceiling.

"No, i mean do you know how much you've disappointed me and your dad?" I scoffed.

"What's new?" I muttered and swallowed a massive lump in the back of my throat.

"Did she force herself onto you?" I shook my head, usually I'd shout at her but im too tired and too exhausted to get riled up, "so what even happened?"

"It was me who kissed her first actually so don't even go there like dad has, calling her a pervert- she's not a pervert at all. I wanted the relationship more than she did at the beginning and it was me who started it" i explained in a monotone, calm voice.

"That's what they make you think" she continued, i groaned and swallowed hard.

"Think what you like mom I don't care anymore...I don't have the energy to argue with you"

"You ought to thank me" she said. I scrunched up my nose.

"What the hell for?"

"Your dad was on the verge of calling the cops but...i knew that if he did you'd never speak to him again"

"Im not speaking to him now. He's stopping me seeing her, im not exactly grateful for that am i?" She tutted.

"So after what he saw today and what he told me, that we're just gonna let it slide? Absolutely not. You've been having an affair with your teacher Beca!" She hissed at me, i reached my hand up and wiped down the side of my face where my tears had began to drip into my ears. "Just so you know, you're having your phone and iPad taken off you and we're confiscating your truck keys till we decide you can have them back and you are to have no contact with Miss Beale, you're dad's also having you transferred classes" she told me, i shut my eyes and a flood of tears fell from my eyes.

"That's great that is..." i said sarcastically "isolating me from everyone" I sniffled.

"Don't try to pull the sympathy vote, it won't work, this is our final decision and only way to make you think about what you've done" i sat up slowly and looked at her standing with her arms folded in the doorway.

"Im not a kid anymore mom, you can't punish me like this!" I yelled.

"Hey! Don't you raise your voice at me! This is for your own protection Beca!"

"I don't need protecting! I need my girlfriend"

"She's not your girlfriend...not anymore" she frowned at me, i could see in her eyes that she was disappointed, broken even. "I know what it's like to fall in love when you're young, look at me and your dad, we've been together since we were 17. His mom- you're grandmother- didn't like me at first..." she sighed and let go of her arms to come and sit on the bed beside my legs "she thought it was no good that me and your dad had fell in love so early, she thought i'd 'manipulated' him and that I didn't actually love him...but i did. I was 17 and I'd found my soul mate" she paused.

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