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A/N just a filler chapter to keep you entertained whilst i think of the next one.

Beca's POV
"Wow Beca, you actually look like a girl" my dad joked from my bedroom door, i scowled at him and tutted.

"You're such an ass sometimes" i mumbled and ran a red lipstick across my lips.

"Im only messing, you look lovely" he said and i smiled down at my feet. "Anyway, your ride is here" he told me before leaving. I sighed and fluffed my hair before picking up my clutch bag. I really wish Chloe was here to be my date rather than Jesse. Although he is my best friend, I'd prefer to go with my girlfriend.

I held onto the banister as i stepped my way down the staircase where i noticed Jesse fiddling with the cufflinks on his shirt which stuck out of his blazer suit. He looked really smart in his light grey suit with a waist coat and no tie with a few of his buttons on his shirt undone. He looked up at me and went to look away when he did a double take and his expression softened and he came to bottom of the stairs swiftly and held his hand out, I scoffed and took his hand as he helped me downstairs.

"Wow, you look amazing" he whispered as we walked into the sitting room.

"Oh thanks, its the dress you helped me buy" i told him, twirling and kicking my heels up, he smiled.

"Yeah i know, you look great" he gawped at me and pressed his hands together across his chest. I rolled my eyes.

"Jess...don't be the creepy best friend who suddenly falls in love with me" i joked and he giggled at me.

"Don't flatter yourself Mitchell" he muttered as we entered the kitchen where my mom and dad handed us a glass of champagne each and gave us a wide smile.

"Pre-drinks" my mom announced and they each picked up their own glasses and raised them up.

"Cheers" we all announced and clinked our glasses together.

"Where's Cammie?" I asked, expecting to see her wave us off.

"Oh she's at Ben's house, he came and picked her up whilst you were getting ready. He's taking her to the movies to see the new sci-fi action thing" my dad explained, wafting his hand and screwing his face up then easing into a smile. It's great to see him (and my mom) accepting Ben like i have and accepting the fact that she's pregnant. I suppose it's not easy having a lesbian daughter and another daughter who's knocked up at 15, but i think it's good how they've tried and Ben seems loyal to her, although I still wanna rip his balls off he seems genuine. Its weird that most dudes in my senior year actually really wanna be dads, its strange.

After a long conversation with my parents about children i nudged Jesse.

"So do you fancy being a dad?" I asked, he laughed and looked down at his feet.

"Well, i suppose it couldn't be the worst thing in the world. Me and the guys see Ben as being really lucky..." He trailed off "to have such a pretty girlfriend like Cammie then to be a dad, i think its pretty cool" my mom and dad looked at each other and smiled.

"Im really excited to be a grandma" my mom said excitedly and grinned widely, my dad wrapped an arm round her shoulders. I gave her a wink and she smiled wider at me.

"Can i be godfather?" Jesse joked and we chuckled at him.

"Better ask Ben about that" i told him and drank the rest of my champagne, just in time as i heard the horn of the limo we hired.

"Right, that's us off" i announced and placed my glass in the sink, as did Jesse.

"Wait! Photo!" My mom shouted and grabbed her phone out "wait, how do you get the camera on? Is it that? Do i hold the button down?" I groaned and snatched it out of her hand and closed down her emails she'd randomly opened and put the camera on.

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