Chapter 1 | Captured

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There's eight people left in this quell. Including my allies and Brutus, Enobario and Chaff. It's anyone's game now. Though my plan is for Peeta to survive. I would've killed myself already if I didn't have to stay alive to protect him. I plan for Peeta and I to be in the final two and then I'll kill myself. It's better that way. Nobody needs me. My family can survive, Gale will make sure of it. But I'm sure they'll be safer if I were dead. Being alive Snow could decide to kill them anytime, but once I'm dead he'll have no reason to kill them. He'd just be wasting more lives.

"Katniss, Johanna you two take the coil down to the beach," Beetee instructs us. "When you get there, throw it into the water." By this time Beetee and Finnick have finished wrapping the coil around the lightning tree as our plan to electrocute the careers goes further into action.

"I want to come with her," Peeta says immediately. 

"Yeah," I say, unwilling to leave Peeta for a split second in fear that something will go amiss. "Why can't Peeta and I go and Johanna and Finnick stay here."

"He's too slow," Beetee explains. "Besides, I need Finnick and Peeta to guard me. You all agreed to keep me alive until Midnight, correct?"

"Is there a problem here?" Finnick asks.

"No," I say and make my way to Peeta. "It's okay, I'll just drop the coil and come right back."

"Not here," Beetee says. "Go to the tree in the one or two o'clock section. We'll meet you there."

"I'll see you at midnight,"I tell him crashing my lips into his. This is a real kiss this time. Something that I know isn't just for the cameras. It's a kiss that tells him I'll be alright.

I know Peeta is scared. He would, of course, be more than unwilling to let me out of his sight, especially after he gave me the pearl.

I part from the kiss and walk towards Johanna as she passes me the coil. We start walking and I look back for a split second to see Peeta before he is out of sight.

"Hurry up, Brainless." Johanna snaps. "I want to put as much distance between the beach and myself as possible." I pick up my pace, not saying anything back.

The jungle around us makes it hard to see. As the artificial sun sinks deeper into the ground the forest floor gets even harder to see.

The beach is brighter than it is inside the forest. I see this once Johanna and I reach the beach. As I throw the coil into the water Johanna makes sure no one is about to jump us or anything.

"Okay, let's go," I say as we make our way back into the dark forest towards the one o'clock tree.

Once we get there we instinctively look around for the others, who were supposed to meet us here, but they are nowhere in sight.

"Peeta!" I call out, intent on not losing him. "Peeta!" That's when a hand flies over my mouth.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!" Johanna scolds. "Maybe they're at the two o'clock tree?" She suggests.

She starts walking into the two o'clock section, but I start running. What if something happened to him? I didn't hear a canon, but maybe he is hurt?

All these questions and more run through my head as we make our way to the two o'clock tree. I start to panic when I don't see them and then think of the lightning tree. Maybe they never left it? 

I am about to run in the other direction, leading to the lightning tree, when Johanna pulls me back.

"Stop!" She says. "They'll be here soon,"

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"You'll see," she says.

"No," I say. "No, I have to find Peeta! I have to!"

"He's alive!" She shouts. "There was no canon!"

"He could be hurt!" I argue. "I need to find him!"

The lightning above head starts brewing. He must be there! He has to be! I start running towards the lightning tree, ignoring the fact that it is about to give way. Johanna yells after me from behind, urging me to stop. I can hear her footsteps running behind me.

"Peeta!" I shout. "Peeta, where are you?" There is no answer. I keep calling his name, not caring that I could be heard from anyone at the moment. Ignoring the fact that I could be killed at any moment.

Right as I reach the tree the lightning is about to strike. There is nobody here. Nobody at all. Not Peeta, Finnick or even Beetee. But I do see something strange. The coil has been cut without us knowing and a knife is now wrapped around the end of it, right by the force field. As if Beetee were talking to me now, instructing me on what to do, I know exactly what he was planning to do, but never finished. I plan on finishing the job for him.

Taking my bow and arrow and the end of the wire I wrap it around my arrow, pulling the string of my bow back ready to shoot when the time is right. Behind me, I hear Johanna getting closer.

"Katniss!" She shouts. "Katniss, stop!"

Why would she care? This is the games, she wants me dead so she can live. Why is she trying to stop me? It doesn't make sense. It's as if she wanted me alive.

I know I can't do that. I can't make everyone happy...

"Katniss, no!"

I scream out as the pain of the lightning getting closer consumes my body like fire. I decide now is a perfect time, so I let the arrow go letting it fly into the force field above head. I'm blown back when the lightning has come into full motion, leaving me paralyzed to the ground.

I start fading away, that's what it feels like. The last thing I see before I am overtaken by darkness is a hovercraft. A hovercraft with the Capitol symbol implanted into the metal.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Captured'.

Man, I really get carried away with new stories, I keep making a new story because I just keep getting new ideas. :)

Please do consider voting, if you haven't already. And comment! I love hearing from people and I want to make new friends on here. 

I love Wattpad because it's okay to make short chapters. The average amount of words people do is 1k to 2k while on Fanfiction people are always pressuring you to do longer chapters when in reality you've written four to five pages of words. Yep....

This is just the lighting tree scene, in case you wanted to watch it. 


P.S. I will update soon.

P.S.S. Again, don't forget to vote and comment! :)

P.S.S.S. May the odds be ever in your favor!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, now I'll go through looking for mistakes. I think I was trying to avoid that by writing this A/N so long. :)

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