Chapter 13 | She's coming back to me

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Peeta's POV

"Did you have any nightmares?" Prim asks me as we sit in the cafeteria, eating our breakfast.

"Yes..." I whisper.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks me, always wanting to help me with my nightmares just like Katniss did. It helps, but not as much as it did when Katniss was here.

"I lost her again," I say quietly. I always dream of Katniss and the same thing always happen. I lose her. It's always in some sick and twisted way and I always have no way of stopping it. Sometimes I see a slow painful death. Other times, if I'm lucky, it will only be quick. The worst part of it all is watching her suffer for even a few seconds. So when she goes quickly I know I'll wake sooner and be freed from the images haunting my mind.

"It wasn't real, Peeta," Prim tells me softly.

"But she is gone," I say painfully. "And I don't know if she'll ever come back."

"She's not gone yet, Peeta," she says. "Don't lose hope in her. She's fighting for you, she's fighting for all of us, I know it!"

"How can you be so sure?" I ask her.

"Because that's who Katniss is. It's who she's always been. A fighter,"

She is a fighter. She has endured so much. She went had to go through the death of her father, care for her family when her mother couldn't, almost starving to death in the process and making sure Prim didn't starve. She went into the Hunger Games, came out alive even though all odds were against her. Then finally made it through a second Hunger Games, though this time was different. This time she didn't get out the way she was supposed to.

"You're right," I smile a little, with a small chuckle. "You're always right!"

"Well, I wouldn't say always," she laughs, though I can see the pain in her eyes. Even as she tries to stay positive, I know she is hurting. Why wouldn't she be? She lost her sister after all. I imagine her being the one having melt downs every now and then or crying herself to sleep. But she's stronger than I am. She's always been in some way.

"Soldier Mellark," I hear a deep voice from behind. The voice I've become so accompanied with. Boggs. "Your wanted in Command,"

I sigh deeply, "Sorry, Prim,"

"No worries," she smiles. "I'll see you after work,"

"Bye," I say, walking off with Boggs into the direction I have always gone to Command. The direction I have memorized because of how many times I've gone down it.

"I think you'll be happy with what they have to tell you," Boggs tells me as we enter the elevator.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Can't say," he says sternly. "But you'll see,"

After passing the same whiter walls and turning the same white corners we make it into Command room where a big group is sitting around the table. I take a seat next to Finnick and look to Coin, waiting for her to begin speaking.

"Hello, Soldier Mellark," Coin greets me. "So glad you could make it."

I simply nod my head in response.

"Now, right down to business," she begins. "We have come up with a plan to extract the Victors' from the Capitol,"

My heart suddenly stops at her words. The beating in my head, hurt behind my eyes are suddenly gone. All the waiting and hard work has finally paid off because they are going to rescue the girl I love.

"We need some volunteers!" Coin says and my hand immediately shoots up, along with other hands which obviously consists of Finnick and Gale, even Haymitch raises his hand.

Coin looks around the room, deciding who she will send on this mission.

"Soldier Hawthorne and Boggs, you will be my first recruits." Their hands go down but everyone else's stay up.

Her eyes continue to scan the room, but never land on mine.

"Soldier Taylor and Jackson, you all are my recruits for this mission," Coin says. (IDK who went on the rescue mission! SORRY!!!)

"I want to go!" I say loudly.

"You can't, Peeta," Coin says. "We can't afford to lose our Mockingjay!"

"I'll be careful!" I say. "I promise,"

"No!" She says sternly. "You cannot go and that is final!"

I slump back in my chair defeated and look over to Haymitch who is looking at me in a way that tells me not to argue with her.

"We have the plan put together," Coin says. "Now that we have our soldiers we can leave by sundown, any questions?" No one asks anything so Coin dismisses us.

The rest of the day I wait for Prim to get off work so I can tell her that they are going to rescue Katniss. But the whole time I'm not thinking of when Prim will get off, I think of the love of my life coming back to me.


A/N: Short... yes! But I started school and I'm tired! My body isn't built to make a book cover AND write a chapter in one day, not to mention my long school day!

Don't forget to vote, comment, maybe even share my story with some of your friends. It will mean a lot. :)

Oh, that reminds me, go check out my new HG joke book! I update that from my phone in my spare time. :)

Hasta Luego! Have a great day! BYEEEE!!!

And may the odds be ever in your favor. :)

~Sophia <3

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