Chapter 32 | Captured

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We continue our trek through the sewers, the water under our feet making the smallest of noises.

"How much farther until we reach the surface?" Boggs asks, turning to Castor for an answer. Castor looks to Pollux. Pollux does his sign language, which nobody but Castor understands.

"About half a mile this way," Castor finally says. "We should be a few blocks from city center by then."

"Okay, let's keep moving," Boggs orders.

We continue on. I notice Katniss closer to me than she normally is. Much closer in fact. And instead of ignoring my presence, like she has this whole time, but instead looks at me every now and then, even offering a smile despite the circumstances. I always give her a smile back.

"How are you holding up?" Katniss asks at one point.

"I don't know," I say. "It feels different with Finnick and everyone else gone. It's quieter definitely."

"Yeah, I miss him," she says.

"I do too,"

"Quiet!" Boggs snaps. "Did you hear that?"

Everyone goes quiet to listen for anything unusual. At first there is nothing, but then we hear faint footsteps in the distance.

"What is that?" Gale asks.

"Get your weapons ready," Boggs instructs in a quiet tone.

We wait silently with our weapons ready in case anything comes to attack.

The footsteps draw closer and closer and we realize if we wait any longer in this spot we'll most likely be dead. So we turn around and go as silently and quickly as possible in the other direction. But the footsteps only come towards us quicker and louder.

"Move faster," Boggs whispers. "What's the quickest way out of here?"

"The only way out from the direction we're going is the same way we came." Castor says after getting the information from Pollux.

"That's too far," Boggs says. "We'll be wasting a whole days worth of walking."

"It's better than being killed by whatever is headed our way," Gale says. "Because whatever it is can't be good."

"Okay, let's head o-" Boggs is cut off by another voice.

"We know you're out there!" It shouts. "If you don't come we'll be forced to bring the firing squad."

"It's the Capitol," Boggs says. It must be the Capitol. The Capitol is who owns the firing squad. "We have to keep moving! Now!"

That's when we start running. We run even when we start to lose our breath. We can't stop. Not now or we're all dead meat.

We soon hear a scream from behind us. A scream that is so loud and high pitched it could shatter glass.

"Castor!" I shout. Coming face to face with Castor at gun point by a peacekeeper.

Boggs turns around and so does the rest of the squad, despite their instinct to turn and keep running.

"We told you we were going to kill you if you didn't agree to our terms." The man holding Castor says. "Too bad it took us this long to figure out you weren't killed."

"How did you find us?" Cressida asks.

He smirks and by the way his face looks I realize it is the same peacekeeper from where the mutts attacked us. The same peacekeeper that tried to bargain with us.

"You weren't careful enough," he says. "There are cameras at the edge of the train station where you entered."

Our whole squad goes silent, realizing our mistake.

"Don't worry," the peacekeeper says. "We'll finish the job right now." He shoots Castor in the head and drops him to the ground.

No one has time to react as guns start to be fired from both our squad and theirs.

Our squad shoots down some peacekeepers but it isn't enough. The peacekeepers for some reason stop shooting so we do too. I look around to see Boggs was shot down. I am about to go to him but then a dart lands in my neck and I fall over on the ground, blacking out.

Katniss' POV

I gasp as Peeta is shot to the ground. I run over to him, thinking he is dead, but realize he was only shot with a dart gun.

The peacekeepers round us all up and shoot anyone with dart guns that won't cooperate. One of the peacekeepers breaks my handcuffs with a sharp knife so they can put their own handcuffs on me. I go insane and start kicking and screaming at them.

I watch as the rest of the squad is tranqqed and put into handcuffs. Gale. Peeta. Cressida. Pollux. Me. Until I feel the tranq bullet hit me in the neck and everything went black.

End of Book 1


The first book is FINISHED!!!!! I wanted to finish it for you guys as a Christmas present for y'all.


Vote and comment please. Because it is the end of the book, you should totally tell me what you think and anyone who hasn't please vote. Thank you. 😊😊😊

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor !!! BYEEEE!!!

P.S. Here's the new book cover for the sequel!!!!

Captured || Book 1Where stories live. Discover now