Chapter 4 | The Interrogation

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Katniss' POV

The days pass slowly, nothing much has happened. We've been brought food and water once, it was only a little amount so we're still famished but the little food we got will have to do for now.

They've left us alone, mostly, not coming in for anybody to be beaten or hurt in some other inhumane method.

I think of Peeta. For days now I have done this, it's always on my mind. His blue eyes shining brightly sending sparks through my body. His bright blonde hair, mixing together perfectly with his eyes. His smile, which has made me happy so many times before.

I've had time to think about this. I protected him in the arena because I love him. At first I thought he deserved to live so I needed to protect. As true as it is, that wasn't the reason. I've knew all along, deep down I just wouldn't admit it to myself or anyone.

Of course I've thunk about Gale, but not the same way I think of Peeta. Gale has this fire in him that I admire, I have the same fire myself. I realized that, I liked his fire. But I didn't love it, I didn't need it.

I love Peeta. He'll the only person I can love other than my mother and Prim. Of course, Prim is always on my mind too. I think about how she's doing back at home. I wonder how the rest of the district is doing. I hope they're safe, who knows what Snow did to them after everything I've done. Maybe shooting that arrow into the force field was a mistake. I think about this often, how Snow could've done something to my family because of my rebellious act.

"Katniss?" Annie whispers from the corner of the cell where she spends most of her time, hiding from the rest of reality. "Are you okay?"

I smile at her kindness, only there's a hint of sadness in it. I could never do a happy smile in our current situation. "Yeah," I answer. "Just thinking,"

"Johanna?" Annie turns to her. "What about you?"

"As fine as I'll ever be in prison," she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. I roll my eyes too at how annoying and rude Johanna can be.

A guard comes into our cell for the first time in days.

"Up," he tells me harshly, pulling me by the shoulder.

"Another interview?" I ask quietly as we make our way out of the cell.

"No," he smirks. "We have something different planned for you."

He leads me to an unknown room. Inside is a long table and two chairs, one on each end of the table. One of the chairs is different though. It's tall and has wires coming out of it, leading into the walls. The part that scares me though is the metal restraints on each arm of the chair. What does this chair do to a person? Kill them? Torture them? Or is it simply to scare people? I doubt they're trying to scare me, it's more than that.

The guard pushes me into the room, throwing me into the chair, putting the restraints around my wrists so tight that I feel blood trickle down my hands. They then take the wires, which I now see have needles on the end, and stick them right into me. It stings but not enough to scream, it just feels like a small shot, like they did to put the tracker in me during the games.

Once the guard has me all set into the chair he goes through the door, leaving me alone in this room that I know will haunt me for weeks after this. If I even leave this room alive. I'm worried they'll torture me. But I guess I deserve it. I've done so many wrong things in my life, I don't deserve to live. But still that doesn't leave me wanting to die. I'm a fighter and I'll try my best to get out of this alive.

A man then walks into the room wearing a white coat and black boots, he is carrying a clipboard in his hand.

Without an introduction or greeting he sits down in the chair across from me. Setting the clipboard on the table I see it carries papers and a portable red button. He sets the button down and writes somethings on his clipboard, not saying a word at all.

"Miss Everdeen," he finally speaks. "What do you know about the rebel plan to get the other tributes out of the arena?"

"What?" I ask. "Nothing, I didn't know anything!"

He lifts his hand from the clipboard, setting his pen on the table and then clicks the red button. As soon as he lifts his finger off the button a tremendous pain riffles through my body like fire. It burns. I recognize this feeling from somewhere. The lightning tree. I remember feeling this same feeling, burning leaving me wonder if I'll die. The scream that escapes me hurts my throat so bad, but not half as bad as the electricity running through my body. I continue screaming until it all stops, leaving a tingly feeling inside me that still burns. I was just electrocuted.

"I'm going to ask you again," he says. "What do you know about the rebels plans?"

"Nothing!" I shout, and again the burning feeling runs through my body as his finger leaves the button. Screaming is what I do, it's all I can do in this situation. I'm helpless. 

The electricity stops, so he asks the same question. Again and again. Each time he gets the same answer. Each time I get another round of electricity. Soon he gets impatient and moves on to the next question.

"Are you a rebel?" He asks.

"No!" I shout at him, getting angry myself. Another round of electricity, causing me to lose my breath. I look downwards at my hands noticing smoke rising through them. The burns look tent times worse than Johanna's did. Though I'm not sure how much they did it to her. All I know is that this is one of the worst feelings in the world!

This goes on all day, but the electricity gets lower each time, as if they were trying to keep me alive. I stop talking after the tenth or so question, exhausted and too angry to speak to him. He had put the electricity a little higher for my lack of response. 

When I'm thrown back into my cell, which hurts more than before because of all the burns, Annie crawls right over to me and gasps.

"What have they done to you?" She asks. 

The question is, What are they going to do with me?


Was it a good chapter? Let me know. :)

Well, I'm getting tired because this is like the third chapter I wrote today, because I was updating my other stories too. But I think I'm going to write more, even after working for five hours.

I certainly won't be able to work like this when school starts. But I'll get as much done during the summer as possible. :)

You know I've got to put a little humor into these chapters. :) 

Bye, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Bye, and may the odds be ever in your favor

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(Hee hee! Hope this makes you LOL. I know I did.)

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