Chapter 26 | Training

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A few days after Katniss had her attack I wasn't allowed to see her. I know I won't see her until after the war since I'll be so booked with training.

Finnick and Annie started setting up their wedding and will hopefully be wedded by tomorrow. They want to do it as soon as possible since we never know when Coin will decide to put us to battle. She could do it tomorrow for all we know, if she wanted us dead from our lack of training, but I don't think she would. That would be a long shot.

"Hey!" I hear someone shout, hitting my back softly. I turn to see it's Gale. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking." I answer.

"Well you'd better stop or you'll really get it from Commander Jackson." He replies. "Pay attention."

"Sorry," I say and listen to the lecture Jackson is giving us.

"When your on that battlefield you'll have to be careful!" She shouts at us. "There are pods laying all around the Capitol. You step on one and who knows what will happen. Each squad will be given one Halo, showing the whole map of the Capitol, marking each and every pod so you can avoid. Though some pods are newly put in and won't show up on the Halo, so it's your job to look out for those ones."

A screen has shown up behind, giving an example of what the Halo's look like once they are turned on. Just by one glance you know this is going to be a hard mission. There are literally pods everywhere you turn and every step you take could mean your last one.

I look to Gale and Finnick beside me who are both staring at the screen intently.

"The Capitol does not know we have this technology," Jackson continues. "It is part of our job to keep that a secret. If the Capitol finds out that we keep this sort of technology they are sure to aim for the squads. The point if the pods was to kill and be unexpected. Take away those points and the Capitol gets furious. We certainly do not want them more angry at us than they already are."

"For this whole training session you all are under my command, which means you do not talk unless I tell you and you must listen to my every word." Jackson says. "At the end of training there will both be a physical and a written down test to assure you have been listening and are ready for war. Those of you who are not will simply be revoked from the mission completely. Any questions?"

She waits a second for someone to ask a question but nobody does.

"Okay, we'll start with a five mile run around the track." She says. "Come on."

We go outside onto the track, where it is pouring rain. I thought Jackson was going to tell us we were going back inside because of the rain but that was far from the case. She's going to be pushing us much harder than running in the rain.

"You ready?" Finnick asks with a smile as he sees me eyeing the rain.

"Yeah," I say.

"Your not afraid of rain, are you?" He jokes.

I laugh a little, "No," I then go onto the track and start my five mile run. Finnick follows behind me while I hear him laughing.

In about 40 minutes I've finished my first two mile along with Finnick and we are already both so exhausted. We are both breathing heavily trying to catch out breaths.

"No stopping, men!" Jackson shouts at us. "Come on, keep it moving!"

"Come on," I huff at Finnick.

"I'm coming," he says and we both continue on.

By the end of the run everyone is exhausted and breathing heavily.

"I hope you all had fun," Jackson says seriously. "Because tomorrow we are having a nine mile run."

Everybody moans at this news.

"Do you want me to make it ten?" Jackson asks, maybe as discipline for moaning the way we did. Everybody shakes their head quickly. "Good! Now get back to the training center, Boggs will continue with the rest of the training."

We have soon made it back to the training center and sure enough Boggs is there, waiting for everyone to arrive.

The rest of the training session Boggs teaches us how to assemble and disassemble guns, which is all new information to me and most of the other people here since none of us have obviously used guns before. Most of the people here were Hunger Games victors but guns weren't allowed in the games and in the districts we weren't allowed to be armed, which is why nobody has handled a gun.

By the end of the day I am exhausted and just go straight to my compartment and plop down on my bed. Though I don't want to fall asleep, because I know the same nightmares will haunt my mind. They always have and they always will.


Hey yo!

So, I got a sudden thought today.

I thought, "Hmm, didn't Peeta start training with everyone in Mockingjay? Wasn't he part of training? So, I made Peeta see Katniss that last time before war when in the book Katniss saw Peeta during training and then during war."

So, then I thought, "Maybe I should change it where Peeta saw her that one last time before war."

But I won't change it because I have something different planned. I won't tell you yet but I know that it isn't very different from the book. So, I guess last chapter was his last glance before war. So, yeah...

Shout-out time!!!!

First Comment: Petbaile123 and MorningRose19

First vote: waitwhatsasociallife

And thank you to all my readers! Without you this book would have never reached over 1.4K reads. So thank you so so so much for everything you guys do! :)

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!!! 

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor!!!!

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