Chapter 12 | District 8

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Peeta's POV

I remember distantly sitting in Command, trying my best to pay attention. They were talking about me, but I had no interest in hearing things about myself.

"Send him to a real battle zone!" Plutarch blurts out. "Maybe then we could get some good footage of the boy!" 

"Where would we send him, Mr. Heavensbee?" Coin asks. "All the districts are either being bombed or have a firing squad! We can't afford to lose him!"

"Send him to District 8," Plutarch suggests. "It's safer than half the districts in Panem! They were just bombed this morning, I doubt they would strike again! Besides, Peeta talking to the wounded men and women would be just what we need to spark this rebellion even more!"

Coin sits there, considering it for a minute, "If he has armor on he can go! But if anything goes amiss we will escort him straight back to Thirteen! Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Plutarch says. "Come on, Peeta, let's get your Mockingjay suit ready,"

Though that was hours ago, I still remember some of the meeting. I now sit on the hovercraft, awaiting our arrival to District 8 where I will speak freely, with no script, once again.

"You ready, Peeta?" Gale asks me, sitting across from me.

"Yeah," I say. "Just nervous,"

"About seeing the wounded or going on TV again?" He asks me.

"Both, I guess," I say.

"You shouldn't be nervous," Gale smiles. "You've been on TV plenty of time, how is this one any different?"

"The other times I was on TV for the Capitol," I sigh. "This time is different, I guess. Talking about a rebellion is much harder than talking about myself," I laugh a little, remembering all the interviews I was forced to do with Caesar Flickerman. He had always asked questions about me, my life back home and things like that. I never really liked talking about myself, but all the questions had to do with me.

The hovercraft starts slowing down, I feel it ease it's way to the ground as a thump follows, notifying we have landed.

"You'll do fine," Gale says, as we both rise from our seats and exit the hovercraft, following closely behind the camera crew and District 13 officials.

"Welcome to District 8," A dark skinned woman greets us. "I am Commander Paylor, leader of the District 8 rebellion. Come with me please,"

We follow her through destroyed buildings and smoke. Some of the buildings here have survived, unlike District 12. Cressida films us in the light smoke as we walk through the ruble.

"Here is District 8's hospital," Paylor points out, leading us inside. "We have a warehouse over there to keep other injured civilians who could not fit in the hospital."

I look around and see many beds occupied with injured men, women and children. They all look so beat up and hurt, I can't help but feel bad for them. They all stare me, some in amazement or shock, while others full of joy. But none are hateful glares. No one seems to have the courage to speak up, only one person coming from behind me.

"Peeta Mellark?" I hear someone call out. I turn around and am met with a younger woman with dark skin, like Commander Paylor. "Peeta Mellark, your really here," she says. "I have to go get my brother! He'll be thrilled to meet you!" She runs off quickly, limping a little on the way.

"Are you here to fight with us?" I hear a voice from somewhere. I look around and find the owner of the voice. A very wounded old man, lucky to be alive.

"I am..." I answer and then think that's not a good enough answer. Like I am being forced to fight for them. "I will,"

"Thank you," the man says in a raspy voice. "Thank you for helping us!"

I know all these people are following us, I know because they all put up the three finger salute. They all want this war to end, they all want us to win.

"Peeta," I hear Gale say. "Peeta, we have to go! Capitol hovercraft's were detected a few miles away."

"What?" I ask as he pulls me out of the hospital. "We can't go, these people need us!"

"Peeta, it's not our decision! It's Coin's!" He says. "She said to leave if anything goes wrong, remember?"

"I don't care!" I pull my wrist away from his grip. "We have guns, we can stop the hovercraft's!"

Gale sighs, "I knew you were gonna be like this!" But he still follows me as we make our way to the top of a run down building. Gale takes his crossbow out and I take my gun, which Beetee has filled with explosive bullets. Both Gale and I aim our weapons at the hovercraft's coming in and shoot, knocking them into each other and catching fire.

"Their going towards the hospital!" I shout, as another set of jets come in. We ready our weapons as fast as possible, but we're not quick enough as a bomb drops down onto the hospital. The hovercraft's fly away then, without a trace. More planes come in, but we don't have time to stop some of them, as bombs fall down onto buildings and people.

They just bombed a hospital! A hospital was just bombed by the people we chose to follow! They're killing their own people!

"Peeta, is there anything you'd like to say?" Cressida asks me.

I turn to the camera, tears on the rim of my eyes, but I hold them back.

"The Capitol just bombed a hospital, filled with unarmed men, women and children." I shout to the camera. "This is whole you choose to follow? This is what you want happening? Fire is catching and if we burn, you burn with us!"


Lame chapter, I know. But the next one is a special one! You'll see!

Hope you liked it. If you did please do vote, comment, share! I'd really appreciate it. :)

BYE!!!!!! And may the odds be ever in your favor!!!!!!!!!!

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