Chapter 8 | I'll be your Mockingjay

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//I couldn't find a good image for this chapter. :/ //

Peeta POV

"I'll be your Mockingjay," I tell them as I enter the Command Room.

"I knew you'd come around," Coin smiles. "I'd like to-"

I cut her off, "I have some conditions though,"

She stares at me knowingly, as if she already has an idea of what I'm about to say.

"Continue," she tells me.

"You will rescue Katniss and the other victors' at the earliest opportunity." I tell her sternly, running the list through my head one more time of what I want. Everything that I want.

Coin nods her head, agreeing.

"They will be pardoned from anything they were forced to do or say for the Capitol," I say.

This request sends outbursts through the room. They keep yelling, as if trying to get my attention, but my eyes lay strictly on Coin's.

"You will make the announcement public to all of 13, so you can't go back," I add in.

Coin thinks about it for a second, "I can't do that," she says sternly. "They will be charged with whatever assault they have used against this war,"

 "It's not her fault," I say, glaring at Coin and refusing to take my eyes off of her. "She was obviously forced. I know Katniss better than you do and I know for a fact that she does not want twenty-three children dying each year. As much as she hates war she hates The Hunger Games even more,"

"Hmm..." Coin thinks for a second. "I'll have to think about it some more,"

I take this as good enough, knowing she already agreed to rescue Katniss and the victors'.

"The Everdeen's get to keep their cat," I say. Even the smallest of requests sends another outburst through the room. Coin hushes them all down though and begins to speak.

"I will move them both to the top floor with a window so the cat can come in and out to do it's business. But if that cat breaks one rule he will be shot on sight and if he is out after curfew he'll be locked out for the night," Coin says. Usually I'd thank her by now, but I have one more request for her to agree to.

"Lastly," I say loudly. "I kill Snow,"

I've never been a killer. I hate the thought of killing people, but Snow has to pay for what he's done. He can't go on treating people the way he is and I want to be the one to put a stop to it.

Coin smiles at me, not genuinely but it's still a smile. "I'll flip you for it," 

"Fair enough," I agree, refusing to argue with her anymore.

"Is there anything else, Soldier Mellark?" Coin asks

"No," I say. "That's all."

"Very good," she smiles. "Plutarch, will you explain to Peeta what we are going to be doing?"

I look over to Plutarch who has a giant grin on his face.

"We are going to be shooting films called Propoganda's. I call them propos for short." He says. "We have a film studio here in 13 that we will use."

I nod my head, not really knowing what to say.

"We'll start shooting tomorrow," he says. "Fulvia will style you in a Mockingjay outfit. Cinna had originally made it for Katniss, but since she isn't here we had one specially made for you. Here are the sketches of it," he slides a leather book down the table, I open it up to find many sketches of me in a black armored suit. I keep flipping through to see it from different angles. Once I turn a page I see something amazing. It's the sketches of Katniss' Mockingjay suit. The one she would've worn if she were here. I am about to cry at the sight of it, but quickly stop myself. I can't cry now, not here.

"Thank you," I say quietly.

"You keep that Peeta," Plutarch says. "We've already got the costumes made,"

I smile, one of the first real smiles in weeks.

I am the Mockingjay. The voice of this rebellion. People look up to me now. I just hope doing this is enough to save Katniss from the hands of the Capitol.


TOO SHORT! I KNOW!!!!!! But it's all I got right now, I'm really tired and hungry so I wasn't focusing too good. 

But, I do hope y'all enjoyed. If you did then please consider voting on this chapter and I will post the next chapter very soon. Possibly tomorrow.

Have a great day and may the odds be ever in your favor. :)

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