Chapter 27 | The Wedding

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I put the final touches on Finnick and Annie's wedding cake before it is presented. I have a total of an hour before the wedding starts and I'm already behind schedule on the cake decorating.

Thank God Effie isn't here right now. If she was she'd be yelling at me, telling me to hurry up and probably say something like "We are behind schedule!!!!!!"

I am just about finished with the blue waves of the ocean when I start adding sprinkles for shells and add candy pearls all around the edges of all five layers.

The pearls remind me so much of the one I gave to Katniss in the arena. It pains me that I have no idea where the pearl went or what happened to it.

I push the memory aside quickly, knowing I can't break down on such a special day.

Once all the decorations are on the cake I add two figures atop it, a man and women. They both have similar features that Annie and Finnick have yet they're not perfect.

Now, with the cake being finished, I leave it in the kitchen and head over to Finnick's compartment with twenty minutes to spare.

Once I get there I knock on his door and then enter, before waiting for a reply.

"Come in," I hear Finnick say.

"Too late, I'm already here." I point out.

He walks out in his suit, all ready.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Finnick asks with a frown when he sees me covered in sprinkles and frosting.

"I was decorating your wedding cake," I say nonchalantly.

"Well hurry up and get cleaned off! We only have twenty minutes!" He scolds half-heartedly.

"I'll hurry," I say. "I'll be right back, I just came to see if you were ready yet."

"No!" He says. "Just clean off in my bathroom, it'll be quicker."

"Okay," I say and go into his bathroom. I don't have to change or anything because since we are in 13 and weddings aren't usually something to celebrate here, which we happen to be lucky that Coin is letting us have a ceremony and reception, the bride and groom are the only ones allowed to dress up unless we have something of our own, which most of us don't. The rest of us must wear our plain gray jumpsuits.

I quickly hop into the shower and rinse off all the frosting off of me. After a few minutes, I have finished and jump out, throwing my clothes on quickly.

"Are you done?" Finnick calls anxiously.

"I'm coming!" I say back.

"You ready?" Finnick asks when I come out.

"Yeah," I say. "Let's go!"

"Is the cake finished?" Finnick asks as we start heading out the door.

"Yes," I reply simply.

After walking for a few minutes we make it to where the ceremony will take place. There's not much, just a small area. From where I see there are rows of chairs, tables with pretty small amounts of food, which now consists of the cake I made.

The final thing my eyes rest on is where they will be wedded. Right in front of the sea of chairs there is a small meadow, with artificial plants and trees lining the back of the room. Right in the middle, there is a white arch, sea shells and flowers cover it up and down.

I look to find some of the guests have arrived and more are coming in. I don't recognize anyone at first but then I see a bright pink outfit that could only belong to one person.

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