Chapter 11 | Hijacked

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Katniss' POV

He has a hold on me. I tried to show him, but I failed. I'm not a piece in his games anymore. But in some funny way I guess I am. He has me where he wants me. I'm stuck, I can't move. I may never be the same again. I am in his hands; my life depends on his heartbeat, yet I wouldn't care if it stopped. I'd be free. Free from everything, mostly life itself. But he can't keep me here forever. Nobody owns me, not even him. He may beat me, torture me, try to change me but he doesn't own me. 

But I'm stuck now. I was a Mockingjay, I could soar freely and be told off by nobody. But my wings have been clipped, they've been taken. I took my free-ness for granted. When I had it I didn't think I know I had it. I thought he still had a hold on me somehow. Now, it is taken away, gone with the wind, never to be given back. Not until death will finally find it's place upon me.

He watched me fall. He watched as I got closer and closer to death. He did nothing. He let it happen, he didn't help me. He's tried to kill me, but has failed. How long until he actually does kill me? When will he let me be the free Mockingjay I want to be? When will he give me my wings back?

He has to pay for what he's done. He has to go down along with the rest of his followers. He must be shown no mercy. I will not show him any mercy. I will let him die, I will watch him suffer like he did to me. I will not let him win, I can't let him win.

He has done nothing for me. I have done all I can for him, he has no gratitude for that whatsoever. He has left me to starve, burn, die. He gave the girl on fire a whole new meaning. The fire from the first games, the fog from the second games. Burned me! He did it all! It was him. I don't care who says otherwise, it was him!

I will not stand for this anymore. The next time I see him I will kill him. He deserves to die and I will show him no mercy because he has shown me none. He will rot in hell for all I care. He will be anywhere but here.

Peeta Mellark must die!


SUPER SHORT! Sorry about that. Probably the shortest chapter I've ever written. 430 something words minus the authors note.

Bet you didn't see that coming! She was talking about Peeta the whole time and I bet all of you thought she was talking about Snow. Honestly, I started out writing it as Snow and then I was like, this is Peeta she's talking about. So, it's Peeta.

Hope you at least enjoyed it. It was quite a deep, confusing chapter I might say. It's kinda hard to understand, so let me know if you don't understand it one bit. I'll try again to explain it the best I can.

Welp, that's all I have to offer today. I've already updated twice today and I am exhausted, so I'll get some rest.

BTW, I'm starting school in a few days which sucks but for the first couple weeks of school I should be homework free, so I'll update as much as possible.

BYE!!! I will update very soon! Friday or Saturday, then on Sunday or Wednesday. Who knows, maybe I'll update another chapter tonight (NO PROMISES) I'm full of surprises. ;) 

P.S. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Also ADD this story to your READING LIST if you haven't already, that would make my day. :)

Oh, I almost forgot, MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR!!!!!

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