Chapter 21 | The Other Mockingjay

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Peeta POV (duh.)

I follow up with my agreement. Right after I visit Katniss I go straight to Command. Though this time as I walk to Command I don't wear a frown, a smile is plastered on my face. The nurses told me that my idea of bringing back old memories had worked wonders. Though, they know she isn't fully recovered and may never be she is still close to being her old self again.

Her words right before I left put a strange warm feeling in my body.

"Will you come back tomorrow? I wanna hear more memories,"

She didn't have to ask me to come back but she did. I can tell that she wants to get better, she wants to recover her old memories. It's strange how it works. It's like memory loss, but it's not. Some of her memories were replaced while others couldn't be tampered with, though she doesn't quite remember them.

Before I know it I am right in front of the Command room doors. I slowly turn the doorknob and inside I find a whole group of people. I instantly notice Haymitch and Finnick and decide to take a seat next to both of them.

"Hello, Mr. Mellark," Coin says. "Glad you finally decided to join us,"

"You know I've been busy helping Katniss," I lie. "I had a right not to come,"

"Hmm..." she mumbles. "Very well then, let's get down to business. We have had some rebels in different districts helping with uprisings, we got some footage of it. We also have some business to talk about with our Mockingjay," she glances at me.

"I don't want to do it anymore," I say quickly.

"I figured," she says emotionlessly. "Well, do you have a reason to back away from your position?"

"The deal was that I did it until Katniss got back and she is back now," I say.

"Well, she is unable to fill the position alone," Coin says. "She'll need help."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She has agreed to help us, surprisingly." Coin says. "We haven't told her you'll be working by your side, so we'll just have to see how she reacts to that. Plutarch, would you please take it form here?"

"Yes, ma'am," Plutarch says. "Katniss helped us make a propo a few days ago. We didn't think it would do much for the rebellion but people are still following her, despite her condition that Snow has so proudly announced to the world, along with footage for proof. They still want to follow her because she is a fighter and they know that, which is what inspired this propo," Plutarch points to a man off to the side, then man nods and presses a button. A video then comes onto the screen.

Rebels, that's the first thing I see. They are walking through the districts in groups, signifying that they are strong and united. Then the music starts. The voice behind it is beautiful, as he picture shows on the screen that fades in along with the rebels.

"Are you, are you,
Coming to the tree

Where they strung up a man they say murdered three.
Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

The mockingjay's soon start to accompany her voice in the background and rebels start blowing up peacekeepers and setting fires to Justice Buildings and reaping stages.

"Are you, are you

Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

Rebels voices join in the background, signifying they follow her now. As more explosions and uprisings start the song starts to get louder and faster.

"Are you, are you

Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free.

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

It seems as if a hush has fallen over all of Panem as her voice is echoed through the speakers. The mockingjays have now fallen silent, because the birds always fall silent when Katniss sings.

"Are you, are you

Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.

Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

The propo comes to an end with the words 'Follow the Mockingjays' plastered on the screen. Mockingjays, written plural to signify there are now two Mockingjays. Two people you must follow to get led out of this war and into victory.

"Katniss did that?" I ask when the screen has fallen into it's black darkness.

"Yes," Plutarch says. "And she is willing to do more. She wants to be a mockingjay. We just have to see how she reacts when she finds out she'll be working with you,"

"Probably not as bad as she would've before I talked to her today," I say. "Shes making improvement,"

"And a tremendous amount," Plutarch adds. "You've really helped her, Peeta,"

"I didn't really do anything," I say.

"You did," he says. "That dandelion drawing... she remembered a lot from just that one picture,"

"She did?" I ask.

Plutarch nods.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I sit in on her therapy sessions," he says. "She talks about you a lot. A lot of the time she doesn't say anything nasty about you,"

"I've seen her too," Haymitch adds. "She's getting better,"

"I saw her," Finnick says and adds a chuckle. "I think we all have,"

"She still loves you, boy," Haymitch says. "I can see it,"

I nod my head, "So, what is the plan exactly?" I ask. "Who is the Mockingjay?"

Coin doesn't speak for a second, as if thinking, but she already knows the answer, I can see it.

"This rebellion will have two Mockingjay's," she says. "You will work together through the rest of the war,"

"What if she lashes out on me while we're working?" I ask.

"We're using this as a therapy technique too," Plutarch says. "We're getting her more comfortable with you and you talking to her today helped a lot,"

I think for a second, going over the situation we are going to handle.

"Are you okay with doing this Peeta?" Plutarch asks. "Do you need more time to think it over?"

"No," I say immediately. "I'm ready for this,"


Wasn't planning on updating today but it is an updating day for me, so I guess... HERE YA GO! :)

I thought this chapter was SO much fun to write and I hope you will like reading it.

If you did enjoy then please comment and vote. Please give me some ideas. I think I have a pretty good idea how this story is going to turn out but I wanna see what you guys want.

This chapter was the second. If you read the part that I had originally published then read this because the other one I deleted 'cause I didn't like it.

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor!!!


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