Chapter 14 | The Rescue

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I sit in my compartment with Finnick, awaiting the arrival of Katniss and the rest of the Victors'. We tie knots together, which have left our fingers bloody and sore but we keep tying hoping it will pass the time quicker.

"She loves you, ya know?" Finnick says, breaking the strong silence between us.

"It was just an act," I say back.

"No, she really does," he assures me. "I could see it in her face. Anyone could see it if they were paying attention,"

"She loves Gale," I say. "And I'm fine if she ends up with him when this is all over, because I want her to be happy. I know she'll be more happy with Gale than with me," I say, though it pains me to admit. A love that has grown for someone as long as mine has is a love that will not be broken easily. Even if she never did love me back I know that I will always love her and if I do love her then I will let her be with Gale. 

Finnick laughs, at either my statement or something else. But if it was the statement then he would be laughing at the truth.

"You really believe that?" He asks, his laughter dying. You could never get a long laugh or smile out of either of us. We've been through too much and even when we do laugh we stop soon, knowing we won't be laughing at anything in a matter of time. After seeing everything we have seen, in the games and all, you start to think that every good thing that happens to you will soon end and bring agonizing terror and pain to it's place.

"I do," I say simply.

"Well, you shouldn't. Once she gets back I can assure you that she will go right into your arms and tell you how much she loves you,"

I don't feel like talking about this subject anymore, so I answer, "We'll have to see,"

Just then my door flies open and a sober, out of breath Haymitch comes through the door.

"They're back," he pants. A flood of questions are about to escape my mouth when he stops me. "That's all I know! We're wanted in the hospital,"

Without a word I fly to my feet and race out the door. Finnick and Haymitch follow closely behind, anxious to get there just like I am.

I consider taking the elevator but decide against it, thinking it will take too long so I race down the stairs instead.

When I get into the hospital it is flustering with activity. There are nurses running this way and that carrying different medical tools, doctors calling out orders and trying to help wounded.

I look frantically around for that dark hair and olive skin, but find it no where in sight.

"Get off me!" I hear someone shouts, their voice filled with attitude. "I don't want that!" 

I look through the crowd of doctors to find the owner of the voice. Johanna Mason. Her head is shaved completely of all her hair and she has bruises up and down her body.

"Johanna?" I ask, not believing this scarred, broken girl is the fearless person I once knew.

"Look, Lover Boy finally decided to show up!" She says sarcastically. "Would've been nice to have around while being tortured - HEY STOP THAT!" She stops talking to me to scream at the doctors, who are only trying to help her.

I see Finnick and Haymitch run into the hospital through all the crowds of people.

"Finnick!" I hear a high-pitched female voice scream.

"Annie!" Finnick yells back. A pang of jealousy hits me as I watch him with his love and mine is no where in sight.

"Haymitch, where is she?" I ask worryingly.

"I don't know," he says. "I'll ask a doctor." I watch him go over to a doctor in a white coat, just like the rest of the doctors. After a few minutes Haymitch motions me over to follow him and the doctor.

I follow him into a room far away from the rest of the commotion. I catch up with Haymitch and the doctor as they lead me into the room. I enter slowly, frightened by what might be behind this door but anxious to see its presence.

As soon as I am inside the room I am met with swarms of doctors. But I ignore all of them by the sight in front of me. Her back turned to me, her brown matted hair falling down her shoulders. She is slumped forward and looking down, not meeting anybody's gaze.

Slowly, I make my way to her. I can't seem to hold back the excitement anymore, too anxious to see those beautiful grey orbs of hers.

"Katniss?" I say, barely a whisper. Her head perks up at the sound of my voice, but she doesn't turn around to face me. Once I make it around to her I can finally see her face. Hollow, bruised, and bloody. Her eyes. Bloodshot, shallow and... black?

"Kat-" I'm thrown back by what happens next. She launches at me, screaming viscous things.

Mutt. Traitor. Enemy. The terrible words hang in the air, leaving my heart to shatter even more by each word. 

I step away from her, frightened at what she has become, at what the Capitol did to her. What did they do to her?

She runs towards me, jumping atop me and hitting me continuously. But I don't push her off. I stay there, stunned by her actions. 

She keeps hitting me. Boggs and other guards who were in the room try to pull her off, but she pushes them back.

I don't know if it's from shock or from her hitting me so many times but eventually my eyes close leaving me in complete darkness. But the questions stay in my mind.

What have they done to her?

Why does she hate me?

Why do I always end up being a piece in their games?


Well... I don't usually update on Tuesdays but ya know... KARMA!!!

Hope you did enjoy that little chapter. :)

Have a great day and if you don't mind I'm gonna go update my other stories.


And may the odds be ever in your favor!!!

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