Chapter 25 | Last Glance

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"Um... I'm... training for something," I state.

"For what?" She asks suspiciously. She's probably thinking of the worst possibilities of what I could be training for, like killing her for example.

"They're, um, they're sending me to war."

"T - they're what?" She asks in a voice more shocked then I thought it would be. "They're taking you away?"

"Just for a little while." I assure her. "I'm coming right back as soon as my duties there are over."

"But - but you can't leave. What if you don't come back?" she asks. "You're the only one who has these memories. You're the only one who can really help me recover. Please don't leave."

"I'm sorry, I have to. I am so sorry." I say.

"You - your leaving me!" She says, her eyes darkening a little more by the second. "You want to leave, don't you? Was this your plan all along, make me comfortable with you and then leave me just like that?! Is that what you wanted!"

"No, Katniss, that's not true. It's not real!" I say to her, hoping it will be enough, but knowing it won't.

"You lied to me!" She yells, her eyes now completely black. "You said you loved me but it was all a lie!"

"Katniss, this isn't the real you! This is the Capitol in your mind, you know what your saying isn't real!"

"Don't tell me what I know! I know that you lied to me! You tried to kill me! I bet your just going so you can watch people die, like you always want! Is that what it is, huh?"

"No, of course not!" I say on the verge if tears. "I have no choice."

"Lies! That all this is! Lies! You mutt!" She yells, venom filling not only her voice but her veins too. I thought she was getting better, but now I'm starting to realize the littlest things can set her off. The doctors were right, she will never fully be better, which breaks my heart.

"Katniss, this isn't real, all the things your thinking, they're all fake. Please trust me!" I beg her.

"I could never trust a mutt like you!" She yells.

By this time the guards come into the room and grab my arm.

"Let me go! I have to help her!" I yell at them.

"You can't be in here, sir," one of them tells me. 


I take one last glance at Katniss, crying and holding her hands over her ears, rocking back and forth softly, before I am taken out the room and the nurses soon take my place with syringes.

That was the last glance of Katniss Everdeen I had gotten, a hurt and broken one, before I was forced into war. It may have been my last glance at Katniss Everdeen, for wars are a deadly place to be.


Man, that was the shortest chapter of all time. I just really wanted to update.

So, next chapter will pick up a few days later, but you'll have to wait to know what will happen.


First Comment: MorningRose19

First Vote: kmaynard62213 

And to all my readers! Your all the best!!! :D

Please vote and comment! Feedback is very much appreciated! :)

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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