Chapter 9 | Dead By Morning

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//Katniss' face kinda scares me in this image but that's okay I guess...//

Katniss' POV

My mind is filled with thoughts of Peeta. Are they true, false? I don't know anymore, nothing seems real anymore not even Peeta's love towards me or mine towards him.

He loves me. No he doesn't. Yes he does, he protected me in the arena. No he tried to kill you.

How do I know what's real anymore? I can't trust anybody. Johanna and Annie are telling me what I am thinking is not real, that he never wanted me dead. But I don't know if I can trust them. I hardly know either of them, though I feel like I've known them for a lifetime. But I can't trust them, I don't want to.

Memories start jumbling in my mind. The time Peeta tried to kill me in the arena. When he asked Finnick how he should kill me. But then there are good memories. Ones that I can feel are real. The time I woke up screaming from a nightmare and Peeta came to me. I asked him to stay with me and he replied, "Always,".

But does that mean he is still with me? He said always, but sometimes always doesn't mean forever.

"Get up," a guard pushes open the cell door and yells at me to follow him. I begrudgingly follow him, thinking of what torture could possibly be worse than what they've already bestowed upon me.

We pass all the doors filled with many different torture devices that they have used on us. We go farther down until we come upon a door that seems all too familiar. But then again all the doors look the same.

When we enter I see that it is the same room I was in when I had an interview with Caesar. The same chairs, same fireplace, same carpets. Everything exactly as it was before, as if it were never touched.

"We're going to District 13 tonight," I hear some guards whispering to each other, oblivious to the fact that I am standing a mere ten feet away, but also have enhanced hearing thanks to the Capitol doctors. "They're planning an attack, hoping they can kill everyone off before morning."

This catches my attention. Peeta is in District 13, that's where the rebel base is. I know if District 13 is gone the rebellion would surely die down. I can't let that happen, I have to do something.

"Miss Everdeen, so nice to see you again," his snake-like voice beams at me evilly.

Peeta's POV   

"Hello, Peeta," my best friend Delly Cartwright beams at me in the District 13 cafeteria. "How are you today?"

"Better," I mumble quietly. I really don't feel much better, except for the fact that I am for sure getting Katniss back. After I had agreed to be the Mockingjay President Coin had called an assembly for all of 13 to attend. After announcing that the Victors' would be rescued and be granted immunity people would yell out vicious things like how Katniss was a traitor. I didn't believe them of course. Katniss was forced to say that, I know it.

"You should eat," she tells me as I pick at my food. I haven't eaten much lately, just a few meals from here to there so I'm able to keep my strength up.

"I'm not hungry," I tell her.

"Okay," she smiles a little bit. "But don't blame me if you get in trouble for wasting food. I don't think they're very fond of food wasters." Sh tries to cheer me up or at least lighten the mood a little bit, but fails.

The TV flicks on a sudden moment later. I see the Capitol symbol play and then Caesar Flickerman is on the screen, like usual.

He introduces himself and then shows us his guest... Katniss!

She looks worse. Her eyes are blood shot and her cheeks are hollow, like she hasn't eaten in forever. You can see the bruises on her face, small compared to the ones on her arms and shoulders.

What have they done to you? I ask myself.

Katniss starts talking about the dams that have been destroyed by the rebels, the bombings caused by rebels and pretty much anything that could be used against us. As she is in the middle of talking the screen starts fuzzing out. She notices this and stops talking, staring at a screen from somewhere behind the camera.

The screen cuts off to me in District 12, the ruble and ash covering the ground. They had recorded me from the invisible hovercrafts above. Though I am only a small figure you could easily make out that it was me if you knew me well. Beetee had broken into the Capitol's film system (A/N: I don't know what they'd call it...)

Just as I am walking to my bakery the screen cuts back to Katniss, who has tears filling her eyes.

"Peeta..." she says softly, staring at the screen as it fuzzes in and out of what they have filmed of my visit to District 12. "Peeta, are you there?"

Her eyes look insane. She is staring wildly at the propo of me, but also looking around the room like a mad woman.

"Peeta..." She starts trailing off, as if deciding what to say. "They're coming! They're coming to District 13! You'll be dead by morning! Dead by morning!" Peacekeepers grab a hold of her and throw her to the ground. The video is cut short, no endings and no goodbyes, but not before I hear her cry of pain, her blood splatting across the ground. 


I aim for 1000 words a chapter or more, but this chapter only has 900. But that's okay, the next chapter will be longer, I promise. :)

Hope you all liked that chapter.

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Have a great day and may the odds be ever in your favor! BYE!!!!!!!

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