Chapter 19 | Memories

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A/N: Before I start I have two things to say.

One, I have no idea what in the name of Michelle Obama this chapter is going to be about and two thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for over 800 reads and 103 votes. That is so awesome! Thank you so much! I love you all in a totally non creepy way. :)

Okay, now lets start this chapter, shall we?

Peeta POV

"YOU MUTT! YOU DESERVE TO DIE LIKE THE REST OF THE INNOCENT PEOPLE YOU KILLED!" She screams at me, her eyes darker than I've ever seen them.

"Katniss, this isn't you. Please, believe me! The Capitol did this to you! Please, believe me!" I say back, but it comes out weirdly through all my sobs.

"LIAR!" She screams. "THAT'S ALL YOU'VE EVER DONE! LIE!!!"

I bolt awake in a cold sweat only to hear screaming that wasn't my own. I slip out of my bed and go into the compartment across from me.

"You okay?" I ask her nervously.

"I'm sorry," she says back. "It was just a nightmare,"

"It's alright," I tell her. "I get them too."

"Yeah..." I whisper, getting into the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her and snuggle my head into her dark hair. "Always,"

My eyes open again and I look around looking for Katniss, but she isn't here anymore.

"Katniss?" I ask. "Katniss, where are-" I stop myself when I realize that it was only a dream. No, not a dream, more like a memory. A memory that made me feel happy, a lot like the way I felt that same night on the train.

Memories... I've seen some of the therapy sessions the nurses do with Katniss. They show her videos from the games, how they really happened and will play some memory games with her. But they have never seen us alone, they don't have those memories and neither does the Capitol. Plutarch had told me they couldn't tamper with the memories of us alone, though she doesn't remember them all, if she does get them back like she did with the bread then she won't me as a mutt trying to kill her, she'll see me as I really am. 

(Quickly wanna explain something. Remember when Katniss asked Peeta if he had poisoned the bread? Well, she doesn't remember him putting poison in the bread because that never really happened. She was just instinctively thinking he poisoned the bread. Just wanted to clear that up in case any of you were overthinking this like I just was. :P Okay, back to the story.) 

It might help her if I had told her some of those memories or have someone tell her for me, since she probably won't believe me. Most likely Prim, but even if we did have someone else tell her it wouldn't be the same because no one else was there; it was just us.

It might not heal her but it might help her get even an inch closer to getting better and at this point I'm willing to anything to help Katniss find her way back to me.

A/N: SO sorry for the shortest chapter in the history of chapters and most boring! But I have homework to do and I had to update today.

I'll try to update again tonight but I'm making no promises because I have a whole math packet I have to finish tonight because I chose not to do it ALL week when I was supposed to. So yeah, that's my life for ya! 

See y'all later!

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor.


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