Chapter 2 | The Place of my Nightmares

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//Sadly, this chapter is not edited. I was too lazy! :P//

I wake up once again in a white hospital room. I am lying on cold metal bed in nothing but a thin hospital gown. I look around, wondering where I am. Then I remember what I saw right before I blacked out. The Capitol symbol on the hovercraft I was being lifted into.

Surely if I am alive then I must've won. But what happened to everybody else? Did they all die after I was taken? No, that wouldn't make sense. They wouldn't take me out of the arena while the games were still going on. They want me dead, that's why I was thrown back into that horrid place. So why am I alive?

As if on cue a man walks into the room, carrying a scent of blood and roses. President Snow. I glare at him from my bed, as I try to sit up I realize I am being held down by metal restraints.

"Ah, Miss Everdeen, your awake," he states, his voice sounding like a snake.

"Where am I?" I ask, though I know where I am. "Where's Peeta? What happened to him?"

"Oh, your Mellark boy," he says. "Sadly I did not get to him in time. The rebels got to him first."

"Rebels?" I ask. "What rebels? What are you talking about?"

"You'll find out," he tells me. Two peacekeepers come in, armed with guns. "Would you please escort Miss Everdeen to her living quarters?" He asks the guards. Without a reply they trudge towards me, taking a key to unhook the restraints and then drag me out of the room.

I have no idea where we are going but I recognize this place. It's the training center. I start to think that we may be going to my old room where I stayed in before the games. The room with so many memories of Peeta. 

That is, until we do reach our destination, which is a cold dark cell. They throw me in, obviously not caring if I break any bones or anything.

"Katniss?" A familiar voice says. I look over and see Johanna and this other girl with red hair and green eyes. I recognize her from the video of each reaping Haymitch had shown us. It's Annie Cresta, Finnick's secret lover. 

"What's going on?" I ask Johanna.

"I can't tell you," she whispers to me, coming in closely to talk in my ear. "This place is bugged."

"So they can hear everything we're saying?" I ask, equally as quiet. She nods her head in response.

I don't know much about what is going on. I don't know who the rebels are. I don't know why I was brought here. One of the few things that I do know is that Peeta is safe. He's safe from the Capitol's grasp. But are the rebels any better?

Peeta's POV (WHA!!!!! :P)

"What do you mean she's in the Capitol?!" I scream at Haymitch. "You promised me you would protect her! You gave me your word!"

"I'm sorry, Peeta!" Haymitch says sarcastically. "But I can't do everything, okay? I tried to get her out, you know I wouldn't leave her on purpose. But we just couldn't do it! The Capitol got her before we even got inside the arena!"

"You could've done more!" I argue, ignoring the fact that Finnick and Plutrach Heavensbee, the head game maker, are standing right there. After the games I was picked up by the rebels of District 13. They told me that they needed me to help lead the rebellion, or be the spokesman for the cause. But I refused. I was not going to help the people who left Katniss to die. They left her to the hands of the Capitol. And I will do anything to get her back. They filled me in on other details too, like how Katniss blew out the force field, allowing them to rescue us. 

"We're sorry, Peeta!" Plutarch says. "We tried. She was our top priority. We needed her just as much as we needed you. But once the Capitol hovercraft's were detected we had to stay clear of all of them. They just so happened to be where we needed to go."

I'm angry at them. Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? It's never been in my nature to hold a grudge against people, but this is different. This time they went over the line.

"Well can't you get her out of there?" I ask frantically.

"We have no way," Plutarch says. "Not until Beetee can hack the system, which could take weeks, months."

"No!" I shout. "We can't wait that long! They'll kill her! They'll torture her for information that she doesn't have! The information that you didn't give her!"

"It was too risky to tell her!" Haymitch says. "If we told her them she might be telling the Capitol now! Then where would we be?"

"What about her?" I ask angrily. "Whose protecting her? If she doesn't have that information then they'll kill her for it!"

"Beetee is going to work on a plan to get through the system," Plutarch says impatiently. "As soon as we get to District 13 he'll start on it."

"District 13? Why aren't you taking me home?" I ask nobody in particular.

"We can't go back to District 12..." Haymitch trails off.

"What? Why?"

Haymitch seems unable to speak, surprisingly. So Plutarch supplies it for him.

"After Katniss blew out the force field Snow sent planes to District 12," Plutarch starts. "They bombed the entire district. Only 900 or so got out alive."

I feel my breathing speeding up by the second. My home; the place I grew up. The place I fell in love with Katniss. Gone.

"My family?" I ask.

"The didn't make it out," Haymitch says quietly. 

I've lost everybody. My family, Katniss. Those are the only people I've ever really cared about. I never imagined losing them, not all at once at least. All because of Snow. He took Katniss from the arena and is probably torturing her right now. My family, who I cared so much about, but Snow had to go and take them away too. But for what? What did I ever do to him? I am hardly around him, I have done nothing to him. Why did he have to take everything that I love, everything that I'll ever love?

"I'm so sorry, Peeta," Finnick finally speaks. "I understand what your going through," I look up, realizing I have fallen to the ground, with Finnick kneeling beside me.

"How could you possibly know what I'm going through?" I ask harshly, tears threatening to spill.

"The Capitol took my Annie," he says sadly.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly. I'm not just sorry for him though, I'm sorry for myself. I've lost everything in just a matter of hours and I can never get it back. Katniss is probably dead by now anyways. No! Don't think like that! She's alive! She's alive! She's alive!

I tell myself this over and over, trying to believe it. It helps a little but not really. I know I can't always believe what comes out of my mouth. Like how I swore to protect Katniss and then I let her out of my sight, she's gone because of that. This is my fault. But there is plenty of blame to go around. Haymitch, Plutarch, Finnick, Coin, Beetee, Snow most of all. I know there is more people to blame for this, but the only thing I can think about is how the blame lands squarely on me.


I know that was a super quick update. But because I wrote this in a few hours, okay less than a few hours, I didn't edit it.

SO! If you find any mistakes please comment and let me know. 

Don't forget to vote!

This video is amazing. I don't know why I like it. I think it had something to do with the music. I love that song!!! 😋😋

Bye! And may the odds be ever in your favor!!!!!!!! 

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