Chapter 31 | Tell me the Story

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The sewers has a strange scent. Much like you would imagine. Though it is much stronger than people believe it to be.

It is also dark and cold down here. Like no soul has been here in years. Probably hasn't but then again Pollux spent five years down here before he could buy his way out.

The Capitol thinks we're dead. Whatever those mutts were there for was to kill us. We're better off with the Capitol thinking we're dead so we're going to keep it that way.

After walking around the sewers a whole day we sit down to sleep and rest. I take first watch so in a matter of minutes everybody is asleep. I sit  across from Katniss to assure she doesn't get set off by anything.

"Peeta?" I hear her say. I look up, checking her eyes to see if they're balck and they're not. She's safe.

"What's wrong, Katniss?" I ask quietly.

"You know how you told me of moments that we had together. Moments in my lifetime?"

"Yeah," I nod.

"Could you tell me  the whole story? From the beginning?" She says. "You've told me small parts. But none of them were in any order. Can you please start from the beginning? I think I need it right now."

"Of course," I say.

"Even the parts you already told me!" She assures. "Just tell me everything."

"Okay," I say and then start. "I first saw you when we were five. Though, you didn't know I existed. But I think I started to first like you when we were in music class and the teacher asked who knew the Valley Song and your hand shot straight up. I told you about it in the cave in oir first games."

"Yeah, I remember that." She says. "Did you love me? In the cave? Did you love me then or was it just for the cameras?"

"No, no I loved you then. I always have."

"And did I love you?" She asks.

"I don't know. You were always a bit confusing." I chuckle. She shows me a small smile too.

"What happened next?" Katniss asks.

"Well, after school that day I saw you in the schoolyard with your sister and dad. You picked a dandelion and gave it to Prim."

"That was sweet," she smiles.

"Yeah, it was," I say. "After that I saw you go home everday. It was nice, even if we never did talk."

"We first talked on the train to the first games?" She asks.

"Yeah, we did."

"And I never thanked you for giving me the bread?" She asks.

"No," I say. "But you didn't need to. That smile you gave me the day after was enough for me."

"I don't remember giving you a smile." She says.

I shrug simply. "I think you should go to sleep now. Tomorrow's going to be a rough day."

"Okay," she says and closes her eyes. After a few minutes I think she is asleep but then I hear her whisper something, "Thank you, Peeta."


Everlark!!!!! Yasssss!!!!

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Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor!!!

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