Chapter 22 | Take that Snow

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Katniss' POV

"Hello, Katniss," Plutarch Heavensbee greets me as he enters my room, which has now been moved out of the confined space. I have a normal hospital room now, except my door has a lock on it that I can't touch and my bed has restraints that are only attached when I really need them.

"Hi," I say nervously, still not really trusting Plutarch but comfortable enough around him that my restraints don't have to be put on. I sit up as he takes a seat in the chair next to me.

"I just wanted to inform you that all of Panem has now seen your propo," he tells me.

I nod, "And what did they think?" I ask.

He smiles, "They're still following you, Katniss. They know what happened to you and they still see a leader in you,"

"So... what else can I do to help?" I ask him. "You going to send me to war?"

"No," he says. "No war for you. But we would love to see more propos of you."

"Okay," I say. 

"Katniss," he sighs a little. "I don't think you realize how important you are to this war,"

"I think I'm pretty well aware," I tell him. "If, like you said, people are seeing me as a leader of course I'd be important. It's only common sense."

"Katniss, you are our Mockingjay," he says. "You realize that, right? You have been since the beginning. Even while you were gone we still thought of you as our Mockingjay. We had a temporary replacement for you while the Capitol had you, but we think your ready to take on the role,"

"If it means taking down Snow then of course I'll do it," I say. "He's done too much to me already,"

"If anyone deserves the honor to bring him down it's you," Plutrach says. "I think your one of the most damaged people from him. He's done too much to everybody, but he pushed you and the other Victors' overboard. He doesn't even deserve to be president,"

I nod slowly, "So when do we start?"

"Right now, if your up for it," he tells me. 

"Yeah," I tell him. "I'm ready,"

"Perfect," he says. "We have a filming room here in thirteen where your partner and the rest of your team is waiting,"

"My partner?" I ask confused. "I thought I was doing this alone? Who is my partner?"

"You'll see," he says, getting up from his chair. "Let's go, they're waiting for us."

I get up with him and follow him out of the hospital room, into many different halls that I have never seen nor roamed. I felt extremely confined here, since I was never allowed to leave my room, but it's defiantly better than being the Capitol. There I only my cell to either be tortured or have another interview, both I would never look forward to.

After going down some stairs and more hallways we finally reach a room marked 3099 Filming Room. We enter into the room and I see that it is filled with people. Before I even get a glance at who is all in the room a group of people surround me, pulling me into another room.

I try to pull from their grasps, thinking they may be taking me somewhere to be tortured.

"No!" I shout at them, suddenly back at the Capitol. "Let me go! Please, no more torture!!!"

"Ma'am, we're not going to hurt you," someone tells me.

"That's what they always say!" I yell. "Please, let me go!" I pull from their grasps and step away from them.

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