Chapter 6 | Tracker Jacker Venom

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I'm trapped here, with no escape in sight. Days upon weeks pass and still the light has not come upon me. I'm trapped in a terrible nightmare that never ends. I want it to end, much like all my nightmares. I want this torture to be over. I want to die. At least it would be better than this, an endless sleep that I can never awaken from. It'd be a miracle if they let me die. They want me to suffer, if I do die they want it to be a long painful death.

The beatings, the drowning. All of it is too much I can't take it much longer, I need to get out of here. The pain they inflict on me is different everyday. One day it'll be a low bearable pain, but still painful. The next day it'll be so painful I think I'll die on the spot. Unfortunately I never do, I'm always trapped in the same nightmare. The nightmare that leaves me scarred and broken. the nightmare ten times worse than any Hunger Games. I'd gladly go through two more Hunger Games just to get this over with. Or take me back home, to suffer in my bed alone from the actual nightmare that keeps me up all night. Anything but this.

I twirl around the pearl in my fingertips. The pearl Peeta gave me in the arena. I've had it for weeks and it's the only thing keeping me sane. I hid it in my sock so the guards wouldn't take it away. I find myself kissing it now and then, as if it were a soft kiss from the giver himself. How I pray for those lips again. But the pearl is the closest thing I have to Peeta's lips right now. But still, it is not enough.

For about the fifth time this week a guard comes in our cell to get one of us. When the guard comes towards me and grabs me by the shoulders I beg him to stop, beg him not to take me.

"Please!" I cry. "No more torture!"

"Oh, we have something different planned for you," he smirks. What? What is that supposed to mean? What are they going to do this time?

We pass all the doors we had previously gone into. Each room had a new element of torture, each one get worse and worse as they went down. They take me into the farthest room at the end of the hall. They had never taken me this far before, which for some reason worries me.

Inside the room is a metal lounge chair, with restraints on each arm. In front of the chair is a large TV, much larger than I've ever seen before. There is also a small table next to the chair with syringes and bottles of green liquid.

The guard pushes me into the chair, locking the restraints around my wrists as tightly as he can. I flinch at the sudden tightness, but save my screams for whatever torture they have planned for me.

"Hello, Miss Everdeen," President Snow walks into the room. I haven't seen him since the interview, which as weeks ago. "Are you ready for your first session?"

"What?" I ask. Does he mean first session of torture? It can't be, I've done lots of torture sessions. "What do you mean?"

"You'll see," he smiles devilishly. He turns towards another person who had entered the room after him, but I didn't notice because I was talking to Snow. It's another doctor. "Start the process,"

The doctor makes his way over to me without a word, taking the syringe and filling it with the green liquid he puts it into my arm, making my whole body feel like it's on fire. The feeling is familiar, but I'm not sure where from.

"What is that?!" I ask frantically. "What are you doing to me?"

"Be quiet," the doctor says harshly. The TV in front of me turns on showing me a video of the woods. But not just any woods, the woods from the first games. It just seems like the original footage at first, me running through the woods away from the blood bath. I then run into somebody, but it isn't Foxface like it originally was, it's Peeta. The thought of him just makes me cry, I miss him so much. But what's going on? Why did they change it?

I then see Peeta, not being his normal self. He takes out a knife and starts chasing me with it. I run away from him, fear all over my face. But his face is something I've never seen in him before. Anger. It rushes through his whole body, I can tell as he chases me with the knife. Soon though, he grabs a hold of my ankle, knocking me to the ground my jaw knocking hitting violently against the dirt. I can feel the pain somehow.

Peeta then takes the knife and jabs it into my ankle, causing me to scream in pain. I can't run now, the blood just gushes through it. Suddenly I'm not in the Capitol anymore, I'm back in the first games, I can see it all happening. The pain in my ankle increases and I can't move. Peeta takes this opportunity to stab me in the stomach and my arm.

"No!" I scream loudly. "No, this isn't real! You made this up! Stop it!" Peeta would never do such a thing to me, he loves me... right?

Suddenly the scenery changes. I'm not in the woods now but in the jungle of the second games. It's the footage, so I'm not actually in it, but I see Peeta and Finnick talking.

"How should I kill her?" Peeta asks, an evil grin on his face.

"I don't know," he says. "There's so many options, how do we choose just one?"


"I know," Peeta says, smiling probably at the thought of all the painful ways I could come to my end. "We have to make her suffer! She doesn't deserve to have a quick death!"

"STOP!" I keep screaming, but it doesn't help. The pain of seeing Peeta want to kill me and the liquid inside me combines causing a pain greater than anything I've witnessed here. "YOUR ALL LYING!" I'm like an animal, I can't control myself. All I can think of is how painful this all is. I know Peeta, I know he would never hurt me. But where is this footage coming from? How is this happening? What is happening?!?!?!?

"You see Miss Everdeen," President Snow speaks after the footage stops. "Peeta Mellark doesn't love you, he wants to kill you. You must kill him before he does that,"

"No!" I scream. "You liar! Your lying to me! Peeta loves me, I know it! He always have!"

"I'd beg to differ," he says, exiting the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

Does Peeta actually hate me? No! No! It's not true, none of it is! They're lying... I think.


Not the best sentence to end on, but oh well.

As you can see I'm taking the hijacking process slowly. Right now I want her to have doubts about Peeta killing her, but trying to believe he loves her. But soon she'll be completely hijacked and won't have any doubts, just wants to kill Peeta.

OH MY GOD! I'm starting to sound like President Snow! What's wrong with me?....

Hope you enjoyed! :) BYE!!!!!

TOTALLY ME IN THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!! (Sorry EVERTHORNE lovers, it's true

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TOTALLY ME IN THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!! (Sorry EVERTHORNE lovers, it's true.)

Here's the pearl scene, so you all remember ;) (I'm sure you do, but still...) :)((((((

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