Chapter 16 | She'll comfort me when I'm alone

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Peeta's POV

I sit in my compartment, contemplating what has happened to me in the past few years.

I was reaped for The Hunger Games. Katniss was my ally. I won The Hunger Games along with Katniss. I went home to a big house and lots of money and a girl who didn't really love me though I still loved her back no matter how much it costed me. Katniss gets reaped again and I volunteer to go with her. I go in the Quell, my heart stops in the process but Finnick saves me. Katniss tells me she needs me and I believed her. The Capitol bombs District 12, killing my family and takes Katniss to torture her. Katniss comes back hijacked. I've lost her. I thought she loved me and I can't believe I fell for it.

A knock on my door is what brings me out of my thought process.

I go to open the door to find a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.


"Hey, Delly," I smile, a feeling of happiness, despite the circumstances, washes over me when I see her.

"Hi," she smiles at me. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah!" I say quickly. "Come on in,"

She walks in and takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Do you wanna talk?" She asks me.

"Of course," I say, taking a seat next to her. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay," she says with a smile. "Maybe see if you felt like talking,"

"I really need to talk to you right now," I smile, seeming to forget my situation while I am around her.

"Me too..." she says. "I've been thinking about my family lately... I really miss them." Delly had lost her family in the bombing too and I was always there to comfort her because I know exactly what she's going through.

"I know," I say. "I miss my family too... It feels like I have nothing left anymore, even Katniss is gone."

"You still have me," she says quietly, leaning closer to me, her breath hot on my skin. "And I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that. Whenever you need me I will be here. Even if you can't love me the way I do I will still be here no matter what. I promise."

I look up at her, realizing what she is saying. All these years she hasn't loved me as a friend or brother, she loved me as a lover and I was still off trying to get Katniss to fall for me. But now I know she won't be falling for me.

"Do you love me Delly?" I ask her.

"If I tell you the truth will you yell at me or walk out on me?"

"Of course not!" I say quickly but quietly.

"I do love you Peeta, I love you so much." She says. "I know you love Katniss and that's okay because I want you to be happy. I will never get in the way of what you have with her."

Her words shock me. She loves me but she is allowing me to be happy. Just like I did with Katniss.

"How could I love someone who hates me now?" I ask her.

"She doesn't hate you," she says. "Katniss is fighting her way back to you. You just have to give her thw chance to see lightness again. I know there is a feeling deep inside her telling her that she loves you. She'll find her way back to you."

"How can you be so sure?" I ask.

"I talked to her the other day. She's getting better, I can already see it. She's making small improvements but she's getting there I promise."

I think of what to say next. On rare occasions I'll be at a total loss of words and this is one of those moments.

"I want you to be happy," I tell her. "And if you want to be in love with me then I'll except that."

"Do you love me?" She asks suddenly not looking me in ths eye.

My words are loss. I am a mental avox as of this moment. I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know who I love. Do I love the girl who openly admits her love to me or the girl I have loved since childhood but won't love me back?

The past few weeks in Thirteen I have either been with Prim or Delly. Both of them I have grown a stronger relationship with, they both comforted me while Katniss was gone and I know I had loved Katniss while she was in the Capitol but now that she's back it feels like something has changed. Maybe it's just the fact that she now hates me and the pain us starting to get to my head. But I had never seen Delly as my lover, always just a friend. Now, maybe things have changed.

"I don't know..." I tell her truthfully. "I'm too confused about all of this... I thought Katniss was the one but now I'm starting to think that... Maybe I was wrong."

"It's okay..." she says. "I'm sorry for confusing you."

What she does next surprises me. She leans in planting a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss back though it feels nothing like when I kiss Katniss. She then pulls away, leaving me in my spot.

With that she gets up and leaves. I think about getting up to get her but decide against it and stay put. Does that mean something? No, it means nothing.

She makes it to the door and then she's gone, leaving me dumbfounded and confused.



I'm so sorry for that. But I wanted to make it like the Katniss and Gale situation... Sorta. IDK... love triangle.

But you all know very well that this is an everlark story.

BTW I wrote this whole chapter on my phone and I am terrible at typing on this thing so that is why there might be mistakes. But I double checked my grammar though I might have missed some. 😉😉😉

Well I am tired now so I'll stop.


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