Chapter 29 | You Shouldn't be Here

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"Katniss!" I almost shout but find my voice barely above a whisper so that only Finnick heard me.

"Soldier Everdeen!"Jackson calls. "What in the name of sweet mother lord are you doing here?" **I'm sorry, she just had to say it.**

"Coin sent me as a back up," Katniss says, not making eye contact with me. I didn't expect her to though. "She said you needed an extra squad member."

She looks sane, which surprises me. She's lost the glossy tortured look in her eyes. Even a lot of her scars from the Capitol have started to fade.

"Why would Coin send an untrained caddette into my squad?" Jackson asks.

"I did a few weeks of training before coming here," Katniss says.

That doesn't make sense. A few weeks ago was when we came to the Capitol. Coin must've been planning to send Katniss here, but why? Katniss is in no shape to fight. She is still going through therapy so she is most likely to have an attack while she is here.

"Mmm..." Jackson says, looking Katniss over. "Put her in handcuffs, Soldier Hawthrone you stay with her at all times and keep her out of trouble."

"Yes, ma'am," Gale says and goes by Katniss' side, locking the handcuffs on her wrists.

"She shouldn't be here," I whisper to Finnick as we once again begin our trek to Snow's mansion. "It's too dangerous, she could have an attack at any minute and get herself seriously hurt!"

"I'm sure Coin knew what she was doing when she sent her here," Finnick replies. "Besides, she's getting better."

"She can still be triggered by anything here," I remind him. "It's war Finnick, there's going to be bombs and... guns... it could just set her back."

"I guess you're right," Finnick says. "But I'm sure Gale can keep her under control."

"I don't know, something still seems a little off about all of this," I say. "It doesn't make sense for Coin to send the most mentally unstable girl out of all the soldiers. It's too risky for her to be here."

"Well, I hate to say this, but it's too late to do anything about it now."

"There's just something fishy about this... all of this!!!" I say. "Coin is up to something, I can feel it in my gut."

"Well your gut might be wrong," Finnick adds. "Your gut may say she's nuts **Haha, see what I did there?** but I'm sure you're just overreacting about this whole situation. We've come to trust Coin, we know she isn't the enemy. Snow is."

"Well, you might be right... but that doesn't change the feeling I have about her." I say. "If she is up to something, I'll figure it out and make sure whatever it is doesn't happen."

"Good luck with that," Finnick mocks. "But I strongly suggest paying attention to the war right now or you'll end up like Humphrey Dunfree."

"Like who?"

"Humphrey Dunfree... cracked and broken."

Humphrey Dunfree... just another childrens story from before the dark days... before the games. Where small things like cracking and breaking didn't matter. But now, everyone is like Humphrey Dunfree. We're all cracked and broken, or in another more realistic concept, scarred and defeated from war.

"Halt!" Boggs calls out, putting his right two fingers up. He points for the right half of the squad to go towards two big buildings to take cover. Then the left half; the half I'm on, he leads towards two more buildings on the opposite side. He makes hand signals, which in training we had all learned means to stay down.

I look to my side and see Katniss right next to Gale looking sane. Though I look away when Katniss looks at me.

Jackson, on our side looks to Boggs for direction. When he gives it to her she nods and whispers to us what we need to do.

"There are peacekeepers right around this corner," Jackson tells us. "We're going to stand down unless we're spotted. If they see us then wait for further instructions."

We wait a few moments, making sure the coast is clear. I see Boggs look around the corner to make sure they are gone. The next second Boggs orders us together and we continue on our way.

We are just turning the corner of the two buildings we were hiding behind and sure enough no one is there so we keep on going. But as we round the  next corner, we see what may be the death of all of us.

The peacekeepers were waiting for us too.


Sorry for the short chapter and not updating in a while but I have school and I got caught up in my other stories too so... yeah...

We have good news and bad news.

The bad news is... There is a freaking cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!

The good news is.............


Thank you all so so so much for it all. You all are the reason I keep writing this story (And because it's fun.) So thank you guys so much! I literally can't thank you enough.

More good news... A new book is coming out soon. I will call it Runaways. So basically Katniss and Peeta start dating but Katniss' mom doesn't approve so Kat and Peet run away together. This book is full of crime, action, mystery and of course EVERLARK!!! So go check it out as soon as it comes out because I am so excited about it.

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odda be ever in your favor.

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