Chapter 20 | Memories Brought to Life Again

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Peeta POV (The Next Day...)

I bring my idea of bringing Katniss' memories back to her by explaining the times Katniss and I experienced alone, when no cameras or anybody to disturb with questions was around. Just me and her, like I always wanted it to be. Though, those memories live in the past now; my job is to bring them to life.

They had agreed to let me go in and talk to her but only if I went straight to Command afterwards for a meeting. I agreed knowing that Katniss mind state was more important then me not wanting to be the Mockingjay. That would just be plain selfishness if I had not agreed. I know they are going to tell me that I have to be the Mockingjay, but I also know that I became the Mockingjay to save Katniss and I will continue to be the Mockingjay for the same reason, to continue my mission from the beginning; save Katniss.

That's why I find myself here today. In the same position I've had a lot. Standing in front of a door, wondering if I should go in. But the answer is and always has been; yes.

The door buzzes and I push it open.

"Hey, Katniss," I say softly.

"What are you doing here?" She asks coldly.

"I just came to talk to you," I tell her. "If your up for it,"

"You might as well do something useful for once," she snaps. I swallow back the lump in my throat trying to convince myself that she doesn't mean it; it's the Capitol telling me this. That's what I always think, the Capitol is talking to me through because I know the real Katniss would never say these cruel things.

"How have you been?" I ask, taking a seat into the chair next to her bed, but scoot it back a little bit.

"Fine," she huffs. "You haven't been here much, so that makes me feel better."

Even with the cruel things she says I can see the improvement. She doesn't try to break through her restraints like she used to and the things she says isn't as hurtful as before, not to mention she doesn't yell as much anymore.

"What do you even want to talk about?" She asks. "'Cause if your just going to sit there you might as well leave, make both of us happier."

"Do you remember anything else?" I ask her, ignoring her cold comment.

"Yeah," she says. "A few things actually,"

"What are they?" I ask.

"Well, let me speak at least!" She snaps. "I remember when we were on the train coming home from the first games... I told you that I didn't love you, it was only an act. Did that happen?"

"Yeah..." I say painfully. "It did,"

"I remember... you looked kinda hurt when I told you this. Why?" 

"Because... because I thought you couldn't ever love me back..."

"Love you back?" She asks, tasting the words. "You didn't love me... did you?"

"... I did love you," I choke out.

"I don't believe you," she says, not as icily as she usually is.

"Do you remember anything else?" I ask, dodging the rest of that conversation.

"Where's Gale?" She asks, ignoring my question. "They haven't let me see him,"

"I think he's in District 2," I say. "Making some agreements with Commanders and all that,"

"Oh," she says. "Well, can you ask the nurses if I can see him when he gets back?"

"Sure," I say. I've come to accept that Katniss will probably end up with Gale. I've known for a long time now, for years even. But I'm okay with it because I want her to be happy. She certainly couldn't be happy with me in her life, at least not anymore. "So, do you remember anything?"

"The train..." she whispers, it comes out in a pained and strained voice. "On the Victory Tour... I had a nightmare... you came... I asked you to stay and you said..."

"Always..." I finish for her.

"Yeah," she says. "Always,"

I nod my head.

"Why did you stay with me?" She asks.

"I knew what you were going through," I tell her. "I have nightmares too,"

"Of course you have nightmares," she says. "You've killed so many people, you must get nightmares from every single person whose life was taken on account of you,"

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"For killing so many people? It's too late for an apology now,"

"No... I'm sorry they did this to you. I'm sorry I let them do it to you... it's my fault,"

"Whatever..." she mumbles.

"I want to talk about some memories," I say, finally getting to the point of why I am here. "I'm going to tell you some memories that we had together, things that happened when their were no cameras and no witnesses. You don't have to believe me quite yet, but I'd hope you would take in the memories I am trying to bring to life again,"

She nods her head slowly, "Okay,"

I start small, from the moment I first saw her. I talk about the red dress and two braids she had on as she sang The Valley Song for the class. I tell her about the time in the first games when we were in the cave and she was taking care of me because I couldn't take care of myself. I tell her about the time we were on the roof of the training center and we had threw apples at the force field and we just talked and I woke her to watch the sunset. 

The whole time I speak she just watches me and stays quiet, asking a few questions from here and there but then letting me speak again.

When I am finished I am told I have to leave now by one of the nurses. I get up to leave when I hear Katniss ask something I almost didn't catch,

"Will you come back tomorrow? I wanna hear more memories,"

"I will," I tell her.

Talking to Katniss didn't end in a disaster, though I was sure it would. It ended with her getting a little closer to trusting me. But we aren't quite there yet.

Next stop is Command, so I can finally get this Mockingjay business out of the way.


Awww. I thought that was a cute chapter. I'm trying to make Katniss heal really slowly, but quicker than Peeta did when he was hijacked because Peeta is actually willing to speak to her, where Katniss was just like "No, he hates me now!" But we all know she still loved him, she was just more focused on the war, but Peeta isn't, he is focused on Katniss.

That is why she is healing quicker than Peeta did. At least, that's the way I see it.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 900 READS!!! THAT'S SO AMAZING!!!! I swear guys, yesterday I had just reached 800 and now we're at 900! WHAT IN THE NAME OF MICHELLE OBAMA IS HAPPENING!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day my dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor.


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