Chapter 30 | Mutts

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This video has nothing to do with this chapter but you should still watch it.

It all happened too fast. The peacekeeper's guns were pointed straight at us, as well as ours to them. We never saw it coming, we should've been more careful. But we weren't.

It's all silent, not a noise being made. An intense, deathly silence. Big enough to bring death to someone without a trigger being pulled.

No word is transmitted through the air as the guns start to ring. I watch Leegs 1 fall as she is shot in the leg. Then Mitchell. We start shooting back, only our guns aren't as advanced as theirs, giving us a disadvantage.

Suddenly the shooting stops. It is sudden, but it is obvious the peacekeepers intended to do this. Kill some, save some.

"We came on account of Snow!" The commander yells. "He wants to make a deal with you."

"What kind of deal?" Boggs asks.

"You give us your Mockingjay and tell Coin to give a public surrender." He tells us.

"What would we give out of this?" Boggs asks, though we all know he will never agree under any circumstances.

The peacekeeper smirks at us, "Your life," he replies.

But Boggs stands firm, he doesn't back down. He is too passionate about winning this war and taking down the Capitol.

"Never," Boggs replies. "I value this war more than my life and the life of my squad."

"Commander, it's not just your life being taken away," he says. "It's all the rebels."

"A president willing to kill more than half the population is not a president I want to serve!" Boggs says.

"Fine then," the peacekeeper says. "Have it your way." He then snaps his fingers and a peacekeeper behind him speaks into a microphone. Soon a hovercraft appears and lands, all the peacekeepers getting on quickly.

The hovercraft takes off, leaving us in the war zone wondering what could happen next.

We feel sudden, strange shaking causing us to all fall to the ground. Buildings start to fall and collapse around us, just barely missing our bodies.

The shaking slowly comes to a stop, leaving destruction all around us.

"Is it over?" Finnick asks out of no where. We start to think we are safe, that we actually survived what the Capitol had just thrown at us. But we were wrong.

Rounding the corner were mutts. Giant, slithering lizards with snake mutts slithering behind them.

"We have to get out of here!" Someone says.

"Run!" Someone else screams.

They start charging at us and we go in the other direction.

"I can't leave her!" Leeg 2 yells. "She's hurt." I stop and look at them, pain not only in Leeg 1's face but also in Leeg 2's.

"We have to keep moving," Jackson says quickly. "You can stay and get killed for all I care. Come on, squad, let's go!"

I look at them, a moment of hesitation. I feel like a terrible person as I turn around and run away with the rest of the squad. Looking behind I feel another pang of guilt as Leeg 1 and 2 are swallowed by the Lizard Mutts, the remaining parts of them being finished my the Snakes. The sight is terrible, more than I can take. But I have to keep moving.

I look to Katniss for the first time since before the peacekeepers gambled with us. She has  a scared look on her face, along with a little blood and dirt. But beneath that I see something else, something in her eyes. It finally clicks. Her eyes are turning black. This could just be how she dies. But I know I can't let that happen.

"Katniss," Finnick gets to her first. "It's not real!" He yells at her frantically, knowing if she stays this way for long it will get her killed. He grabs a hold of her as she tries to run towards me.

"He's a mutt!" She growls. "He's just a mutt that the Capitol created! I have to kill him! Let me go!"

I've become used to her speaking this way to me, but that doesn't make it any the less hard. The person you once loved screaming viscious things at you. It's hard to believe that this is all out of her control. That she can't choose what she says or does in this state of mind.

Before Katniss can proceed any further in her rage, Gale grabs the syringe he was given to knock Katniss out. She is out cold within seconds.

"Grab her, let's move!" Jackson yells over the screaming mutts. Gale picks her up, pulling her over his shoulders and we continue running from the mutts.

"Move, move, move!" Jackson yells to the soldiers who have fallen behind.

"This way!" Boggs yells, pointing towards a building that was destroyed the least in the large earthquake. It still has about three floors, everything above the fourth floor being a disastrous mess.

"That's a terrible idea!" Jackson says. "We'll be trapped up there!"

"Do you have a better idea?" Boggs asks sharply. "Those mutts will outrun you faster than you can get even three feet from here. It's either up those stairs or be killed in seconds!"

"Fine!" Jackson says annoyed. "But let's move fast!"

We all make our into the building. We are all nearly in when Finnick steps on a pod right outside the door. It was a small trigger, so most of us stepped over it but Finnick was the unlucky one.

"Finnick! Don't move!" I yell at him.

He stares down at the pod in horror. Behind him is Jacoson, who had stayed to help people over the cracks and rubble and Mitchell who had been right behind Finnick.

"Go!" Finnick yells. "The mutts will get here at some point, you have to get up there!"

"We can't leave you behind," I say, realizing if Finnick moved even an inch the pod would go off, so there's no saving him or Jackson and Mitchell.

"Go!" Finnick says.

"We have to go," Boggs says, though he has to try to hide the sadness in his voice. No soldier left behind. Whatever happened to that? I guess it died a long time ago when the Capitol took charge. Boggs believes this saying but still, he knows he has to leave them behind. If not, this war may as well be dead.

"Let's move," Boggs says.

I try to move the thought of Finnick out of my mind but it is too hard. I know he will die. There is no saving him now.

We get to the third floor. I look out one of the shattered windows and see Finnick finally step off the pod, killing himself, Jackson, Mitchell, and all the mutts along with them. And then it was over. Finnick was gone... But we were safe. He saved us. That one pod was a blessing and a curse.

"We have to get out of this building," Boggs says. "It's going to collaspe. Where can we go?"

Pollux starts to show us some sign language that we aren't sure what means. But Castor does.

"My brother knows where to go." Castor says.

The next thing I know we are making our way to the sewers.



As you can tell I changed it A LOT from the book and movie. But the same people still die. Except Boggs but he may die, he may not, we'll have to see.

I hope you enjoyed. I would say more but I am tired and want to watch YouTube so bye bye!!!

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