Chapter 18 | Talking to her

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Peeta's POV...

I hear a knock at my compartment door and go to open it, only to find it's Boggs.

"If it's another war meeting, I don't want to go," I tell him immediately. I've been avoiding going to any Command meetings for more than one reason. One, I'm angry at them for not getting Katniss out of the Capitol in time to prevent the hijacking, which might seem ridiculous but it's not for me. And two, I'm sure they're just going to tell me that I have to continue being the Mockingjay, which isn't in my best intentions. The plan was to be the Mockingjay until Katniss got back and she is back now. Obviously unable to fill the position but she is back nonetheless.

"It's not a meeting," Boggs tells me. "It's Katniss,"

"Did something happen to her?" I ask quickly, a fear washing over me. "What happened?"

"She wants to talk to you,"

Shock runs through my body. She wants to talk to me? What would she want to talk about she already hates me, which I can't blame her for.

I don't even process anything as I walk mindlessly through the hallways, anxious to get to Katniss. Nothing seems to go through my mind except the thought of her. It feels like the moment I found out she was back. I ran through the halls only to find the one I love to be replaced by something that is unknown to me and everyone here.

I soon find myself in front of her big metal door. I just stare at it wondering if I should go in.

"Go on in," A woman tells me, as if reading my thoughts, as a buzzing sound fills the air.

I slowly open the door to find Katniss in her bed, confined and in restraints like always.

I am about to say something but quickly close my mouth, not wanting to startle her.

"You came," she states emotionlessly.

"Yeah," I say simply. "You... You wanted to talk to me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She says coldly. "They wouldn't let you in till now. Thought I might lash out on you. Which is still a possibility so I'd suggest you stand back unless you want to be killed."

"Okay," I say simply.

There is a strong silence between us before she speaks up.

"I remember something," she says. I look up at her, silently urging her to go on. "I remember the bread... You threw that bread to me in the rain, right?"

"Yeah," I say. "That's right,"

"Why did you do that?" She asks.

"You were starving..." I say. "I couldn't let you die."

She laughs a little. "Well, that's a new one. Especially for you," she says icily. She is quiet for a moment then asks, "Did you poison that bread?"

"Of course not," I say. "I would never,"

"Of course you wouldn't," she says sarcastically. "Just like you wouldn't try to kill me with the careers in the first games."

"I wasn't trying to get you killed," I tell her truthfully. "I was trying to keep them away from you,"

"Liar," she mumbles quietly.

"I'll just go now, if you want." I say quietly, not wanting to hear her call me so many cruel things, like she usually does which breaks my heart.

"Wait," she says as I turn to leave. I stop in my tracks. "I have more questions for you."

"What is it?" I ask, turning back towards her.

"The Capitol told me you hated me and wanted me dead but the people here are telling me otherwise. Even Prim told me. I've been so confused lately and I thought you might be able to help me," she explains, but not in the loving voice she almost always carries. She now has a more emotionless and icy tone. Like she had just finished scolding someone and anger was still leaking through her.

"How can I help you?" I ask.

"I don't know!" she snaps. "Maybe just tell me what you think."

"I never wanted you dead," I tell her. "I can say that much. My plan through the quell was to die so you could live. I think we both had similar plans..."

"Oh, I'm sure you'd love for  me to die because of you." She coldly tells me. "Just like how you found pleasure in killing all those innocent people of District 12 and let's not forget how you brutally murdered Cato!"

I don't say anything, which I know isn't helping anything. I just stare down at my shoes, ashamed that I am the reason this happened to her.

"SAY SOMETHING, MUTT!" She yells at me, her eyes turing from a cloudy gray and tortured look a dark black that no normal person carries, at least not naturally.

"I'm sorry they did this to you..." I choke back the tears. My hearts a little more with every insult, every sharp egded tone, every glance of hatred. It hurts so much it feels almost like I were in a pit of fire, a feild of mutts even.

"They didn't do this to me," she hisses. "You did,"

I turn to leave again. I can't handle everything that's going on, it's all too much.

"Peeta," she says, her voice seemingly normal. I stop at the door but I don't turn to face her, too afraid to see the darkness of her eyes. "Did you draw me that dandelion?"

"Yes..." I answer. "I did," and with that I'm out the door.

She is getting better, I can see it. She just isn't quite there yet. But it still breaks my heart more than anything, seeing her the way she is. Scarred. Broken. Almost like the dead.


I wasn't supposed to update today, but... Here ya go, I guess.

This was.... A heartbreaking chapter to say the least... So darn heartbreaking. But these are the challenges you have to face while writing........

I hope y'all did enjoy. Thank you for reading and thank you for almost 800 reads. That is so freaking awesome and I can't thank you enough!!!!

Please comment and vote if you liked it and for an early update.

See y'all sometime in the near future. And by that I mean tomorrow.

Have a great day my little dandelions in the spring and may the odds be ever in your favor.


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