chapter 1

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"babe she's crying again." alex groaned turning over to face me. 

"dude i woke up the last 3 times to tend to her, it's your turn!" i complained putting a pillow over my face. 

"ugh fine!" alex threw the blanket off of himself and slid out of bed to go into our daughter's room. 

my alarm went off as soon as alex came into the room with bonnie. i groaned trying not to cry since i have barely gotten any sleep since bonnie was born. i let myself slowly fall out of the warm comfy bed onto the cold carpet. i stood up and walked to the closet pulling out my black shirt with my work's logo that was placed on the shirt pocket. i matched it with black jeans and my black vans. after i got dressed i brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. 

"alex what time is it?" i tried being quite so i wouldn't wake up bonnie who was laying on our bed. 

"it's almost 6:30am."

"fuck, i gotta go." i hurried up on my makeup and just put on mascara and did my eyebrows. 

i hurriedly kissed alex and grabbed my keys and purse. i went down the stairs and out the door starting the car and tried to be on time.  


it was going on 1 o'clock in the afternoon and i had just gotten home. through the living room window i saw nathan's face just above the window seal and the top of bonnie's head. i smiled as i opened the door. nathan ran over to me wrapping his arms around my thighs. bonnie jiggled as she tried to run to me with her short dark brown ponytail swinging in the air. i bent down hugging nathan and his little sister. 

"daddy can we play monster trucks?" nathan asked alex as he broke the hug. alex nodded and got off the couch going into the kid's playroom that was near the kitchen. 

bonnie put her arms in the air so i picked her up and she waved her fairly large action figure of batman in my face. 

"whatchu got mama?" i asked her in a higher pitch voice. 

"batman." she giggled hugging the toy. i couldnt help but smile. i sat down on the couch and reclined it. i felt my phone buzz from inside my pocket. i took it out and looked at the screen. an unknown number had texted me, it made me anxious since im not good with strangers. 

unknown: hey angel.

me: who's this?

unknown: its tyler.

me: oh my god tyler?!

unknown: i know its been a long time and im sorry for just up and leaving but i wanted to know if i could visit soon i have things to talk to you about. 

me: of course! when would you come by?

unknown: hows tomorrow?"

me: thats perfect i have the day off tomorrow.

unknown: great and is it fine if i bring some people?

me: umm sure.

unknown: ok i cant wait to see you again little sis and dont forget to tell mom.

me: haha i wont. 

i locked my phone again and smiled. my heart fluttered as i thought of how tomorrow could go. i cant believe im seeing my brother again after what 4 years? i cant forget how depressed my mom and i got for a while after he left. my brother was really the only thing that held us together after my parents split and i got pregnant. i picked up bonnie and set her on the floor to go tell alex. i went into the playroom and ran my fingers in my hair pushing it out of my face. 

"you seem excited." alex smiled. 

"i really am, tyler is coming to visit tomorrow!" 

"are you seriously? man i havent seen him since i found out luke and him were a thing." 

"yeah i know which that reminds me i really havent heard from luke for a while, have you?"

"not since maybe a few months ago. he said he was going to stay with someone out in portland." i nodded my head and sat down on the floor as bonnie came in. nate handed me some legos to help put on his castle while bonnie plopped her chunky butt on my lap. alex started to take pictures of us as a family which made me happy cause i like having memories that i can share with the family or show them later on in life. 

"guys we're going to have to clean up before bed time, uncle tyler is coming over tomorrow." i said to the kids but i only got nate's attention.

"whos that?"

"do you remember my brother? he played with you and watched you a lot when mommy went to school, you were little like around your sister's age."

"oh yeah i think i remember." nathan used to not be able to pronounce his words correctly but its gotten a lot better over the years. 

while the kids played alex helped me make dinner. after we ate the kids cleaned their play room up while alex and i did the rest of the house. i made a call to my mom and alex put the babies to sleep and for  once i got to go to bed early and not have to stress about the next day. 

my life now | sequel to cyslmWhere stories live. Discover now