I woke up next to bonnie and nathan sitting there staring at me. furrowing my eyebrows i looked at them.
"yes?" i said groggily.
"daddy said to come down stairs." they smiled.
"why?" i groaned not wanting to get out of bed.
"i dunno." they giggled getting off the bed. i rolled my eyes and went down stairs. i looked around seeing the house was clean, there were red rose petals on the floor leading outside, and some balloons had floated to the ceiling.
i walked outside and there stood alex with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and he was nicely dressed.
"alex whats going on?"
"i wanted to do something special since i havent been paying attention to you and ive been an asshole lately.."
"what brought that up?" i questioned since i havent really said anything to him besides asking why he is being a douche.
"ryan called me and told me what you guys had talked about over dinner and how you seemed really sad.. i feel horrible."
"you should." i crossed my arms as i stood infront of him.
" i do and i know i should. will you forgive me? i dont want to loose you i want to marry you i dont want petty arguments over things from years ago to tear us apart angel."
"they wont babe, trust me i love you and only you." i wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist. we hugged each other tightly not wanting to let this precious moment slip away so quickly.
"so have you thought about wedding ideas?" alex asked me as we sat on the couch watching tv with the kids.
"yeah i have pretty much everything planned out i just need to get your approval on things."
"im sure you will have my approval for everything." i smiled at his response.
"have you decided on your groomsmen?"
"yeah im going to have tyler and luke."
"alright i think ill have katey and.." I trailed off.
"And?" Alex questioned.
"I-I don't have anyone else.. the only girl I know is your sister, I don't have any friends." I started to get sad.
"I'm sure you do. What about your friends from your old school?"
"They all became cunts when they found out I was pregnant."
"Is there anyone else?"
"Well there is this girl I was friends with but it's been forever since we've spoken."
"Try and call her or visit her." Thinking about it I picked my phone up and scrolled down my list of contacts seeing I still had the number she gave me 7 years ago.
Hearing the dial tone I walked outside.
"Hello?" A woman's voice answered.
"Hi is this Emily?" I nervously bite my nail waiting for an answer.
"Yes who is this?" A breathe of relief washed over me.
"Its angel tomsin we were friends back in freshman year."
"Oh my gosh! Angel it's been so long!" She squealed making me smile that she remembers me.
"I know and I really regret letting it go on like that. Do you want to meet up for coffee or something?"
"Of course I would! Is 3 okay?" Looking at the clock on my phone it was 30 minutes till.
"That's perfect, do you want to go to prissy's ?"
"Yeah that's fine it's a 10 minute drive from where I live so it's great, I'll see you soon." I smiled as I said goodbye and hung the phone up.
Walking inside all three of them stared at me.
"What?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows.
"Was it her?" Alex asked.
"No I was on the phone for 6 minutes talking to a stranger, of course it was her." I said sarcastically.
"Ruude." He drug out the 'u' sound.
"I'm going to get ready I'm meeting her for coffee in like 20 minutes." He nodded and I jogged up stairs to get dressed.
I put on a bra once my crop top was off and I switched the crop top out for an off white loose fitting tee shirt, I put on some dark blue skinny jeans along with a gold chain belt. Once I had sat down in my chair at the vanity I put on some makeup the normal routine.
I slipped my feet into some cheetah print flats and put on my brownish colored circle sunglasses on top of my head. As I adjusted my sun shaped necklace I got from my mom I went down stairs.
"Okay guys I'll see you in a little bit I love you." The kids got up and gave me a hug.
"Where are you going mommy?" Bonnie asked holding onto my leg.
"I'm going to get coffee with a friend."
"Can I come?!"
"I want to come too!" Nathan agreed with his sister.
"I'm sorry guys you can't come but I'll bring you something back." I smiled satisfying their wants.
I walked out the door and stopped immediately and turned around. Alex had already opened the door and handed me my small brown faux leather wallet and keys.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." I smiled and kissed him.
"You have you're phone too right?" He laughed.
"Yes its in my bra." With that I walked on the grass to my car getting in and driving to the little coffee shop 15 minutes away.

my life now | sequel to cyslm
Teen Fictioneverything was going great after my life had spiraled out of control when I got pregnant at age 14. now that I'm finally happy and life is going good,things just have to be ruined by him. it was already a struggle dealing with a 2-year-old and anoth...