chapter 26

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The next day is seemed quiet in the house. Mainly because Nathan wasn't here to get bonnie all hyped up.

" mommy when is Nate coming back?" Bonnie asked with sadness in her voice.

" it should be soon hun, brother just needed to spend time with his dad."

" but I thought daddy was his dad?"

" he is just not like how he's your daddy." Since the situation was too complicated for a 3 year old to understand she let it go.

" do you want to help mommy clean up the house?" She shrugged her shoulders but followed me off the couch.

We started in the back living room where they mostly played.

" okay so all your toys go in this green box and all of Nate's toys go in the red box." I said and she nodded.

I picked up Nate's dinosaurs, blocks, cars and anything else he had laying around while bonnie ended up sitting down playing with her dolls.

" what happened to cleaning?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

" I got boring." She giggled.

" just cause it got boring doesn't mean you get to sit and play while mommy does all the work." I laughed as I laid down grabbing her so I could tickle her. we had stopped playing around when we both noticed that alex had come down into the kitchen with an upset look on his face.

"babe are you still mad about last night?" I got up off the floor.

"wouldn't you be if you were me?" he grumbled. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and laid my cheek against his back.

" maybe but you have to understand that ryan is a jerk he knows certain things get to you, that's why he does it."

"he irritates me so bad, I don't want him there at the wedding." he said as if that were the end of the discussion.

"we'll see."

"we'll see? really that's what youre going to tell me?! its going to be my wedding day too and I cant have one decision about who I want there?"

"that's not what I'm saying alex, I'm saying we might not have many people anyways, we both don't have much family."

"ok." is all he replied with. 

"can you not be pissed at me all the time because i let ryan be a father to his son, your kids notice this too you know." alex looked back at bonnie who stared at us with a barbie in each hand. 

"im sorry, i just feel like youre never on my side anymore." he admitted. 

"thats not true. you know me i dont take sides with anyone unless i know both sides and in this case you dont know what exactly happened between ryan and i but when he is in the wrong i correct him."

"ok i guess.." he gave me a half assed hug and then took his drink upstairs. bonnie helped me clean up the rest of the toys and i cleaned the entire house. 

it was going on 1 in the afternoon that i got tiny knocks on the door. standing up to open the door bonnie came running. 

once i opened the door and nate stepped inside bonnie rushed towards him. 

"brother!" bonnie tackled him to the floor giving him hugs and kisses. 

"ok ok let him breathe." i laughed pulling her off.

"you can tell she doesnt spend time with anyone else." i laughed. 

"she sure does love her brother much like you." ryan chuckled. 

"true thats exactly how i am with tyler." i smiled to myself.

"well anyways i have to get going to work, thanks for letting him spend the night with me." i nodded and ryan walked back to his car. 

alex came downstairs and gave nathan a big hug and told him how much he missed him. bonnie joined the hug not long after. after a group hug was indicated the kids and soon alex chanted for me to join so i did. and for a few moments we were the big happy family i always dreamed of. i mean of course i imagined being with one guy and only having his kids but things happen and im happy now so everything is ok.  

my life now | sequel to cyslmWhere stories live. Discover now