chapter 25

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right as we came through the door alex got up and greeted us. 

"did you guys find dresses?" he asked looking at the line of humans.

" yeah theyre gorgeous!" emily and i said excitedly. 

"great, the boys and also found our tuxes we got a sleek black color."

"ugh our wedding is going to look like a beautiful elegant wedding like i always dreamed!" i swooned over the fantasy.

"im hoping to give that to you my love." alex looked down at me making me smile like an idiot, as he hugged the front of my body.

"daddy!" alex turned around to face nathan who was running towards ryan. it was only then that i realized ryan had been sitting on the couch missing my line of sight.

alex stood there in shock, not knowing how to react to nathan calling his real dad 'daddy'.

"oh i didnt know that you were here."i said nervously trying to avoid the awkward silence that almost fell on us. 

"well you might have noticed if you werent being all gross with your boyfriend." ryan had mocked alex and i's action.

"ha-ha-ha ryan youre so funny." i tried to fake laughing to try and make it seem like ryan didnt mean it literal.

 alex looked angry and broken while ryan just looked at me like i had 2 heads. nathan climbed up onto ryan's lap and gave him a hug. 

"hey bud how are ya?" ryan asked sweetly. 

"im good." nathan giggled snuggling more into his father. 

"good. wanna go to daddy's for the night?" my intial reaction from that question alone shocked the hell out of me.


"ha-ha why wasnt i informed on this ryan?" i asked through clenched teeth but trying to act happy in front of nate.

"i just thought OUR son would like to spend with his dad?" ryan smirked making alex even angrier.

"nathan, bonnie why dont you guys go play in the play room up stairs." looking at both of them as they got up and marched up the steps. 

" we need to talk." i looked straight at ryan with a serious tone and facial expression.  ryan rolled his eyes as he followed me out front. 

"you cant just do things with out my knowing ryan, not when it comes to my son!" i yelled crossing my arms.

"you knew when i said it didnt you?" 

"thats not what i meant and you know it!"

"look dont you think its a good idea to have OUR son spend more time with his real dad?" he had a point but mine was just as in reason.

"that is not the point right now ryan, i have raised nathan his whole life and you cant just walts in his life after 5 almost 6 years then start taking him over night with out talking to me first!"

"im sorry ok, i wanna spend time with nate i didnt think it was a big deal." he replied sticking his hands into his pockets. 

"dont do it again." i said sternly but as gently as i could.

walking back inside the house i yelled from the bottom of the steps for nathan to get his things together in one of his back packs. alex was ranting and raving to emily about what has been going on since ryan came back into our lives.

"she always picks his side never mine! dont you think thats little bit suspicious?!" he whisper yelled.  

"i dont know alex, she is my best friend i dont think she would do that to you." i felt my heart tighten and crack a little. 

"i really hope not.." 

"so i yelled at ryan for doing the things he did." i said walking in as if i were not listening. 

"good. that wasnt cool of him, nathan knew me as his dad first."

"i know and he still does just youre his step dad."

"are you really going to let him stay there?" alex looked as if he were pleading me not to. 

"he knows already about the plans i cant tell him no now."

"whatever." alex walked out of the kitchen.

i looked at emily as she stared back with a look of empathy. 

my life now | sequel to cyslmWhere stories live. Discover now