Chapter 13

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I was making dinner when Alex and Bonnie came home. I smiled and gave both of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Lets go back down stairs and check to see if mommy finished dinner yet." I heard Ryan's voice say to Nathan as they came down the steps. Alex's face dropped and he looked into the hallway to see my ex holding my son.

I gave Alex a stern look to make sure he wouldn't say anything in front of Ryan or the kids.

"Dinner is just about ready guys." I smiled. Ryan set down Nathan and once Bonnie saw her brother she ran to him giving him the biggest hug ever.

"I didn't know you had a daughter." Ryan looked in awe as the two toddlers showed affection.

"Yeah about 2 years ago going on 3." I chuckled.

"Angel can I get your help with the stuff from the car?" Alex gritted through his teeth.

"Sure, Ryan can you finish the food and watch the kids for a minute?" He nodded and I followed Alex outside. Once the door was shut he began to yell.

"What the hell is he doing here?!"

"He came to see Nathan clearly." I crossed my arms.

"You said Nathan didn't want to see him!"

"I did because he didn't but Ryan was persistent and came here so I made Nathan give him a chance and he warmed up to him."

"Why so he can walk out on him again?!"

"Look Ryan is Nathan's biological dad whether you like it or not! I've kept him from our son long enough and it's time for Nathan to decide if he wants Ryan around! I can't make his decision for him because of Ryan treated me in the past when we were both kids!"

"I'm going to my moms." Was all he said before he stormed off across the street.  I groaned and rubbed my temples. My mom and brother pulled parked their car by the sidewalk just before I went inside so I waited by the door for them.

"Is everything okay?" Ryan whispered since the kids were right beside us. I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"Grandma!" The kids ran out and hugged my moms legs as she laughed and kissed the tops of their heads.

"Hey mom." Tyler greeted her. My moms face was full of pure shock and she started to cry and dropped what she had in her hands and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her tightly and cried along with her.  I smiled to myself and went back in the kitchen to check on the food before I started crying as well.

I saw the food already set out on the table and the kids play room was picked up.

"You're welcome." Ryan smirked.

"Thank you that was very thoughtful." He smiled as did I.

"It was the least I could since you let me see my son."tears formed in his eyes. I put my hand on his cheek and wiped a stray tear with my thumb as I gave him a warm smile.

I heard my mom and the kids come through the door being followed by Tyler and Luke.

"So dinner is ready come and eat." I sat the kids at their little table and the grown ups sat at the normal table.

"So it's been a while since we've seen you around Ryan." My mom tried to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah I wonder why." Tyler rolled his eyes. Luke gasped and swatted Tyler's arm.

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I was a few years ago I was completely out of line and I've been working really hard to become a better person not just so people don't have to deal with another ignorant person but mainly because I want to be apart of Nathan's life."

"Well I'm very glad to hear that it's about damn time you realized that." My mom said before taking a sip of wine.

"Thank you for the dinner angel I have to get going now I have work soon." Ryan smiled.

"This late?" My mom questioned.

"I work grave yard shifts so I have time to do things during the day." He replied back nicely.

I got up from my seat and walked Ryan out to his car.

"Thank you again for letting me see him I really can't think of anything better to say than that and it's really bugging me." He chuckled.

"It's no problem I realized how much I must have been hurting you by keeping you away from him for so long not to mention all the questions I'll be asked by Nate now." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Well hopefully we have the answers when they are asked but hopefully I can come by again soon."

"Why don't we set a day when I'm off again so we can figure out a plan where you and I can share him?" My question / statement made ryan stop unlocking his car and look up at me.

"Really?" He was obviously stunned. I nodded in response.

Ryan ran around the front of his car and hugged me picking me up and spun us in a circle.  I laughed once he set me down.

"Now that you shook my brain all to hell, yes really you deserve to see him more you've proven to me that you're getting better."

He looked like he wanted to cry but he held the tears back. He told me to text or call to let him know when I was free and got in his car and drove off. I looked across the street and Alex was standing in the window with an angry look on his face then shut the blinds harshly. I scoffed and went back inside the house.

my life now | sequel to cyslmWhere stories live. Discover now