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"It's your choice Lana, what's it gonna be?"

I sighed then looked away from him. I can't believe I'm actually about to do this. "Odell, I love you. I'm convinced I always will, but I can't just jump right into your arms after what me and Jake went through. I tried that with him and obviously things didn't turn out the way I thought they would." I heard him sigh.

"So, you're not completely over me? But you don't want to be with me right now...?"  I shrugged then slowly nodded.

"But I'm different. A lot better and if you just give me the chance to show you-"

"I need this time for myself."

He stood there and stared at me for a moment. "Last call. All passengers aboard have a seat. All those not traveling, please exit." I shut my eyes then noticed that I didn't feel the presence of someone near me. When I opened them, Odell was gone. I sighed then leaned back in my seat.

Was I really making the right choice. Of course for the last six months he's been dead to me. But immediately when I saw him again I was ready for him to be mine. I don't know what it is about Odell, but he somehow manages to make me fall for him over and over again. He messed up pretty badly, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to cross him out of life for good. But then again, I needed time to focus on me. London needs to be time for me and business. I know the saying about how if something belongs to you then let it go. If it comes back than its yours. If not, it was never yours to begin with. I guess I should just take this leap of faith and let everything else fall into place.

Then suddenly I felt a bag hit my feet. I jumped up and watched Odell crash next to me.

"You think you can get rid of me that easily?"





1 Year Later

"You're so annoying, but you're lucky I can't hit you with the baby in my hands." I told him then kissed Jordyn on the forehead. My niece smiled then rested her head against my chest. "I love you too babe." he came over then pecked my cheek. Then there was a knock on the door. "Can you get that?" he nodded then went to go open the door.

"Crystal." he greeted her.

"Jackass." she replied then walked inside to me and her daughter.

Her face lit up once she saw her baby. "Hey pumpkin! You have fun with Auntie Lana and her dummy boyfriend?" I giggled a little then handed her the baby. "She wasn't too much, was she?" I shook my head. "Of course not, my little princess is never a problem." Jordyn blushed then clung to her mommy. "Great, I'll talk to you later. Say buh-bye to your Auntie." she opened and closed her hand the best she could to try and imitate a wave. I smiled at her then waved back. "Bye Munchkin!" Crystal and her headed towards the door where Odell was standing by. "Have a nice night." he said in a friendly tone

"I can't stand you." she replied back in that same friendly tone. He sighed then shut the door behind them.

I walked over to the couch and took a seat. Then I looked around and admired my new apartment. It was much bigger and prettier than my old one. I love it so much.

"Finally we're alone." Odell wrapped his arm around me then leaned over for a kiss. I dodged his kiss by sitting up and grabbing the remote. He sighed then pulled me on to his lap. "We haven't had any us time in awhile." I looked at him with a smirk on my face. "Us time? Explain what that is please." he shrugged then began to rock me back and forth. "You know. Time for just the two of us." I chuckled. "Well you have football and I have my shoots so the only reason why we haven't had much us time is because we're both busy."

"I know, but we not doing anything now. Are we?" I rolled my eyes then got off of him. "What? What I do now?"

"You're doing it again. I'm not having sex with you until you start doing the things I asked you." he crossed his arms over his chest. "I will, but let's do something a little spontaneous now. Let's just get right to it." he leaned over then tried to kiss me on the lips. I blocked it with my hands then shook my head. "I want romantic music and dim lights. Do something sweet for me and I'll do something for you." he pulled back disappointedly.

"Maybe I would be able to surprise you with something romantic if you would give me the access to your place whenever I wanted it."

Odell and I have been having this conversation since I took his ass back seven months ago. He wants a key to my place, but I'm not ready for that step. I feel like giving him a key will just give him this idea that I fully trust him again, but I don't. And I want him to know that. I don't want him to get too comfortable and start leading back his old ways. I want him to know that just because I forgave him didn't mean I forgot. "We already talked about this O."

"But you have a key to my place."

"Yea, but you offered to give me that key. I never asked for one."

"I know, but shouldn't that prove to you that I'm willing to be completely open?"

"It does. And I respect that. But I'm not giving you a key because I'm not ready." he sighed then grabbed my hand. "Fine, what time am I picking you up tomorrow for this party?" I shrugged. "Whenever you want to I guess, I'll be ready. Starts at nine, right?" he nodded. "Yea, I guess I'll call you when I get outside considering that I'm not allowed to just come up and grab you myself."

I love it when he's salty. It's hilarious. "Whatever, stop being a baby." I leaned over and pecked his lips softly.

"I'm not, I just don't understand what I have to do. You made me make this up to you for five months Lana. I wrote letters. Novel long text messages. I even got on national television, in front of an audience, and apologized to you. I was trying my hardest to make things right. It's been seven months since you finally accepted my apology and I'm still trying to make things right."

"You did what you had to do that's why I took you back. You can't get upset for me wanting to take things slow. After everything that happened that year I at least deserve some type of patience from you." he looked down at his lap. "You right, I'm sorry I just feel like you don't feel the same the same as me anymore." I shook my head then lifted his up so that our eyes were on one another's. "I love you. And I forgave you. And because of that I won't hold a grudge against you. I just want to make sure I don't rush into something and end up hurt again." that disappointed face came back up again.

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I'm sorry."

I rubbed his chest then rested my head on it. "I love you Odell."

"I love you more Lana."
So she took him back. 😏 Agree of Disagree with Lana's decision? Tell me how you feel.🤔

If you're not following me I would highly suggest that you do🤗 and also my new story Heist is up. You guys should check that out.

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