Episode 3

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The dawn was breaking, waking up the birds tucked in their nest, but the maids and butlers were already in the main palace in the Main Capital Kingdom, preparing for the coronation ceremony. The maids swept and carpeted the floor and hung huge curtains on the wall, along with  blooms of orchids, giving a sweet aroma. The cooks were busy in the kitchen preparing a feast for thousands of people. Some were busy cleaning, some polishing, some cooking and some inspecting. Simply, it was quiet busy-buzzy morning in the main palace.

Right at 6:00 am, the soft blue curtains lined a darker shade of blue were drawn open letting some light to slip  into the dark room

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Right at 6:00 am, the soft blue curtains lined a darker shade of blue were drawn open letting some light to slip  into the dark room. A handsome young lad in his teens took a deep breathe, enhancing some fresh air, with his eyes still closed as he still had a grip on the curtains. With a swift turn, he started to pace towards his bathroom, stripped and stood under the shower, not opening his eyes even once. The warm water woke up his 'still sleeping' cells, making him feel more fresh. After a nice shower, he came out of the shower wraping a towel around his torso as he stopped in front of the mirror.

The pair of beautiful cheerful eyes were finally opened for the first time after his night long so called 'beauty sleep', as he glanced over his own reflection. Then, a series of cringy  stupid  pose from the 'super model', as  he called himself, were flashed as he bickered "Wow, ain't I getting more handsome? No one possibly can be more handsome than me."

After making a fool of himself, he finally dressed up. A butler was waiting in the corrider, glancing over his wrist watch which indicated that a second or two were left to 6:30. Just as the watch struck 6:30 sharp, the doors were opened revealing a smirking Romeo exclaiming, " Right on time!", earning a chuckle from the latter.

The duel conversed like close pals, through a huge age gap of almost a decades, as they walked to the dining hall

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The duel conversed like close pals, through a huge age gap of almost a decades, as they walked to the dining hall. As they reached their destination, Romeo went and gave a kiss on his mother's cheeks as he received one too, while the butler bowed straight 90 degree and left the room. The Queen chuckeled over her son's jollyness as she ruffled his hair while asking about his night.

Just then, the King entered the room, earning a smile from his wife as his son bowed respectfully. The trio sat on their seat as they waited for the fourth member, the Princess, as Romeo's stomach started to grumble while he stared eagerly at their breakfast set in the table.

Footsteps were heard making the hungry Prince to trump in joy as he expected his sister but was soon turned down by the entry of a maid. The maid bowed and stated that the Princess had already had her breakfast and was sorry for their inconvenience.

The King gave a small grunt of approval remembering his daughter hadn't eaten anything the night before, "Let's eat" he commented earning a huge smile from his son, who dug into the food right after.

"The coronation will start in couple of hours from now. I hope you're ready for the ceremony?", to which the king received a cheeky nod of approval from his son and a gentle smile from his wife, "I suppose there's no problem then. Romeo, I know you are going to be great, but I want you to look after your sister." 

The latter choked on his toast, as the Queen rushed to pat his back. " You know she never listens to me, dad. She...... She would just do the opposite of what I ask for."

"That's why I asked you to do so." The King threw a cheeky teasing grin towards his son, earning a grunt from the latter. He stood up and left the room, leaving his son sulking while the grin never left his face.

To be continued.......
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