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It had been half a year since the battle ended, and everything turned back to normal as before, if not better than before. It was surprising that the public still supported monarchy. At least they know that the new heirs were the best they could ever ask for.

Jae took out two cups of Ramyun and a hot water thermos from his car. Closing the car's  door, he took a moment and watched the reflection of the bright moon on the window screen. Holding on the thing tightly, he walked through the deserted park.

He never liked Ramyun, but was her favourite food, literally. He couldn't understand why Scarlet was head over heels for the dough-strands in broth. She always made him eat it with her in their little Ramyun dates. But it was just some precious memories from past.

Feeling nostalgic he chuckled ,"See what you are doing to me Hano." He had developed a habit of eating the food he disliked, and was not less than  addicted to eating Ramyun. He could only pray that he don't get ulcer from too much of it.

"Jae come faster!" A scarlet hair lady waved her hand from a distance. He vividly remembered how he and Shanon cried and clunged onto her, nearly choking her to death, when she came out alive with few cuts and  bruises here and there.

Plopping on the mat besides her, he quickly removed the seal of the cups, poured in the hot water and waited for them to get ready patiently.

"Sorry hun! I got stuck in the meeting." Shiki came running into the  scene. He hugged Scarlet and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay Shiki. You are not late. I too came a moment ago." Scarlet smiled.

"Your Ramyuns are ready, so I'm gonna get going." Jae got up. "Don't stay out too long and Shiki, I'm keeping my eyes on you." He glared at the nervous guy.

After an awkward silence, Jae smiled making the other relax and reached out his hand for a bro-punch. "I'm giving my Hano to you, so don't break her heart."

"Don't worry Jae. I'll love her more than myself." Shiki said sincerely holding onto her hand.

Jae smiled and turned back, and walked away. Warm tears ran down his face but his smile never faded. He was happy that she finally found the one she was looking for. The one who loved her unconditionally. The one who could protect her forever. The one who would truly enjoy eating Ramyun with her.

Drinking his salty tears he thought it was time to move on. "I'll let you go, Hano."

"I'll not let you go!" Leona shouted as she ran towards Sophie and Saito.

"Oh fish, we gotta hurry." Sophie put on her helmet and started her bike.

"You ready?" Saito asked her starting his bike.

She smiled and nodded but soon it vanished when Leona approached shouting. "On count of ten." She turned front. "One, Ten!" She hit the road laughing.

"Hey! It's not fair." Saito too followed her.

"Hey you two brats! I'll kill you both when you return!" Leona took out her frustrations on the ground underneath her feet.

She sighed. "You'll never listen to me...." She couldn't help but smile.

She went back into Saito's base which eventually became their secret hide out.

"Did they run again?" Daniel asked handing her a bottle of water.

She just sighed and plopped down the water.

Daniel gave her an apologetic.

"Oh please take a break from worring 'bout them and come watch the movie with us." Aika hugged her boyfriend and pulled Leona to the couch.

Soon Leona sat sipping on her cola awkwardly as the two couples beside her got busy in cuddling  at the middle of the movie. "Seriously Romeo, you are so grossing me out." She frowned at Romeo and Shanon, making them stop their act. "You are not any better." She spoke in the same tone making the other couple; Daniel and Aika, fall off the couch.

"God, we shouldn't have invited her in our movie double date." Romeo whispered to his girlfriend.

"I heard that." Leona said in a monotonous voice making everyone laugh.

"You should also find a boyfriend. You are not getting younger." Romeo cheekily grinned at her.

"No. Thankyou." Leona ignored him and got back to the movie.

When the credits played, the couple's were already knocked off in each other's arm. She smiled and brought blankets and tucked them in. But she was not sleepy yet, so she went out to cool off a little.

The night sky was dark, only the stars were twinkling. The atmosphere was peaceful and calm but it was not the case with Leona. She was still anxious and restless. "Ohh!" She kicked the ground beneath her. "Why don't the girl never listen to me. Tomorrow is a big day......."
Kyousuke placed the bouquet of orchids on his sister's stone.

"It's been a long time right, Izumi." He smiled. "How are you?" He asked. "Well speaking 'bout this handicapped brother of yours, he us doing quite well."

"My legs don't hurt like before." He continued.

"But it's nothing compared to the pain you bore when you were still alive." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Oh, let's not get emotional." He laughed as he wiped away his tears.

"Let me tell you a good news, today is the last day of the tournament." He gleaned happily.

"Let's see who wins...." His voice turned into whisper as he glanced at his sister's tomb for the last time before turning his wheelchair to the pathway.

The streaks of light tore through the darkness of the sky at the far east creating a tinge of Orange hue. The sky got warmed as the sun grew out of the horizon,  like a seed to a magnificent tree, into a golden ball of fire in the sky. The golden disk crawled to the zenith as Kyousuke' s wheelchairs rolled it's way to the tournament.

The crowd were cheering in their highest, beaming with energy and joy, like proud sun at its highest point of the day.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman!" Victor Curtis announced making the crowd more enthusiastic." Let us not wait any longer and just call our two finalists on the arena." He wasted no time in useless talk and went straight to the point.

"Best of luck Sophie."

"Best of luck to you too, Scarlet."

The two ladies wished each other from a distance with a smile on their face.

"Ready! Set! Fight!"

On the que from Victor, the ladies curves their smile into a smirk. Equipping their weapons they charged towards each other and let the fate determine the ultimate winner.

Congratulations to all of  you who managed to read till the last of this amazingly crazy fiction. You have just been shot with a heavy doze of thrill and a pill of romance and comedy. If you are sad that this fic ended and feel like there's no tomorrow, then don't worry, don't you dare to let the tear brimming run down your cute cheeks. Cause, we are publishing a new book;LOVE TANGLE. So wipe away them tears, and frown, paint your face with a smile, grab a bowl of popcorn and tissues to wipe away the butter from your hands and be ready to drown in the cheesyness, thrill, romance and heartbreak of Love Tangle.

OK, who am I kidding........Let's get real.....

Thankyou very much and sorry that you somehow managed to read till the last of this annoyingly crazy fiction. Sorry for the cringe, confusion and anger. And again sorry for shamelessly  advertising the new book. But please do check out the new book....

Over all, Sorry Bae.........

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