Episode 18

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"No! I'm not gonna leave her. You heard me, I'm not going to leave her. I don't care what you say. You are going to be out of the throne soon and I am going to rule. So no one can stop me!", Shiki spat to the other side of the phone and ended the call without caring to hear from the other side.

When he turned back, he saw a broken Rose who was on the verge of crying. He quickly rushed to her and hugged her as he tried to lull the crying lady.

"It was your father,  wasn't it. I'm sorry that I am not perfect enough for him to like me. I think you are too perfect for me.....", Rose voiced out her thoughts, crying into his arm.

"No, baby.... It's not you, it's the foolish old man who can't see right. He liking you or not, doesn't matter. Our love is what matters most." He wiped away the tears from her rosy cheeks.

"If I were from a noble family, the story would have been different..." Rose looked straight into his eyes, fighting her tears.

"It doesn't matter honey. You are going to be the queen and rule. I assure you that". He hugged her tightly as he clenched his jaws and grinned.

"I can't believe I'm the only one who got defeated in here.", Brien pouted remembering the fight from before,  or also the beatings he got from Scarlet. "But she seemed too harmless, and on top of that, she was too clumsy." He stomped his feet but soon regretted as his bruises on his knee hurt.

"Serves you right bad boy.", Saito placed a hot pack over the aching back of the wounded person. "You got punishment for stealing glances and fantasizing over my sister." He leaned into the sofa as he sipped on his ice coffee.

"No! I swear, I didn't think about her that way", Brien defended himself.

Totally uneffected by the conversation of the two, Kyousuke continued his push ups in a corner of  the huge  living room.

"But what about you Saito?", Brien grinned evily.

"What?", Saito innocently looked at him.

"You had nose bleed like Niagara falls during Princess Sophie's fight. Weren't you having fantasies over her." He caught the blushing boy red-handed, who acted like he didn't heard a thing.

Just to save him, Shiki entered the room. "Hey man, do you want a drink?" Saito asked him.

Nodding his head he plopped onto the sofa besides him.

Shiki got up to fetch him a drink from the refrigerator but stopped half way when he smelled something. Sniffing  some more, he found out, blood. He quickly ran towards the window and saw someone being chased.

"Hey guys, come fast. I think someone's in trouble", he called them. 

When Kyousuke looked outside, he felt as if his heart would come out his mouth. "Izumi", he cried as he saw his sister being chased by a group of some guys dressed as ninjas. Without thinking much, he ran out of the house to save his sister, followed by 2 Princes whereas the poor injured lad gaveup at the door when he accidentally stretched up a funny muscle.

Meanwhile in a dorm besides their, the ice-princess was blow-drying  her hair beside the window. She was all done when Scarlet came  out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel covering her body. That's when they heard the commotion outside and ran out to see what was happening. So, they along with the boys ran after Kyousuke, who was desperately calling for his sister, who was being chased.

"Guys, let's split up", Sophie recommended. So, they went to different directions to catch up with Izumi.

Izumi Fuwa, the youngest of the Fuwa family was someone who was strong and braver unlike her weak & coward brother. She was the one who stood up for her big brother when he got bullied. But everything changed when she got into a mission and got herself kidnapped, A year ago. She acted as a hostage as she tried to steal away the information the man behind all the trafficking and kidnappings. And then there she was, running for her life as she held the folders she stole, close to her chest as if her life dependant on it.  She had been running for a couple of hours straight with a dislocated shoulder and wounds all over her body, which she got from the nasty fall she had had from her Stormrider.

She was totally out of breathe and was on the verge of collapsing when a ninja guy came in front of her. In a second the folder Was snatched and she was pushed away. Before she could fight back for the folder from the remaining few energy felt in her abused body, she suddenly found her body betraying her as she saw a blurry image of her pursuers disappeared with the folder, before her eyes closed.

Shiki had arrived right on time, when he saw the injured girl being pushed away, and catched her. He quickly knocked her out, pressing a pressure point behind her neck, as he watched the ninja-guys vanishing before him.

"Izumi!", Kyousuke ran towards his passed out sister. Snatching her away from Shiki's lap, he tried to wake her up. "Hey, Izumi open your eyes. Hang on." He gently tapped his sister's cheeks trying to wake her up. He had always blamed himself for his sister's disappearance. Hadn't he been weak, his sister would have been with him. He knew his sister was always into the Main Capital Kingdom affair, so he thought it was the reason for her dissapearence. So he made himself strong & had joined the tournament.

"She's passed out. Take her to the hospital. I'll take care of rest.", Shiki told him. Just then Sophie and Saito had arrived. "Hey, help him take her to the hospital. He told them as he ran away.

In the middle of a jungle, lost Scarlet walked aimlessly. A cool breeze passed causing her to shiver violently. It was really stupid of her to run out of the house without any clothes on. She felt a tear dropping in her cheeks, thinking how useless she was. She tried to help, but was now lost, adding up to the trouble.

"What are you doing here?", Someone broke the silence of the forest.

"I... I got lost.", she replied as she wiped away her tears.

"Tsk....wear this", he hung his huge coat around her petit body. "Come, I'll take you to your place."

She obeyed obediently and followed him. The whole walk was silent but she felt the smile of her face never fading away.

To be continued.
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