Episode 20

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"Is he dead?"

"Seriously, Scarlet! can't you see his chest rising up and down."

"But Sophie, he hasn't woken up since yesterday.... "

"Am I already dead?" Saizo spoke in his raspy-morning voice. Seeing 2 angel like beauties, first in the morning made him feel like heaven. He didn't care if he was already dead.

"Drink" Sophie handed the lad a glass of water. Scarlet ran out of the room to call others.

The matchbox sized room was illuminated with a couple of candles. The windows were covered. The walls we're patched with tattered white paint which was peeling off the wall. The room was furnished with nothing but the uncomfortable bed he was laying on and a worn out nightstand. The whole floor was covered with futons.

"There's nothing much. Fill yourself with this." Daniel passed him a packet of bun as soon as he entered the room.

Looking at the dry piece of bun and the group of people in front of him, he made a face. "Are you kidding me? You expect me to eat this." He threw it back to them even his stomach was grumbling.

Leona felt her eyes twitching in annoyance. She tore open the packet, sat next to whining boy and stuffed it with the food. "Chew!  We all are hungry too. And this is the last food item we've got. If you don't want to eat then you can stay hungry for days. No, in the situation we are in for weeks."

Everyone backed a little from their spot. Hunger was a powerful thing. It could even anger the calm Leona. Saizo quickly finished the bun.

"Should we tell him now?" Romeo whispered to his sister, who glared at him.

"Tell me what?" Saizo asked. Then everyone glared at Romeo.

"You see, hmm......yesterday.....we think....no.....",Shanon searched for the right words to answer him, but couldn't find any.

"Task, let's end it. You know what kid, yesterday some ninja group knocked us down using smoke bomb in the hall and kidnapped all the King and Queens. When we woke up, except you, they were planning to deactivate us using some alien-shit type of thing. But luckily all of us escaped from them, carrying you little brat. And when we came out, everything was doomed!  You heard that doomed. There were blast in all the Kingdoms. People went crazy and envaded the palaces. Now, we have to hide in this crazy graveyard from the ninja guys and the citizens too, due to the silly brother of yours." Jae spat those words faster than a bullet train and walked out of the room with teary eyes.

"Sorry, he has got a little sent I as he left his Teddy back in the palace." Scarlet smiled apologetically before running after him with Shanon. Romeo watched his girlfriend go out. Yes, you read it right. After a whole night long conversation on phone and her introducing him to her mother as a special friend, just before the attack, the day before they officially started to date.

"You gotta stop this act guys. This isn't even funny anymore" Saizo faked a laugh.

Aika rolled her eyes and paced towards him. "This is the truth. We think your brother is behind all this." Receiving a sarcastic scoff from him, she continued. "You know what, he was completely disappeared and also, his girlfriend Rose, she killed Kyousuke's sister."

"I don't believe it. She can't even kill a fly." Saizo retorted.

Leona looked at Sophie, who gave a nod. She had took Izumi's memories, when they found her dead body. So, she had to show it to Saizo to make him believe. She grabbed both his hands and leaned towards him until their forehead touched.

Izumi Fuwa had put up an act as a weakling and got herself kidnapped by the ninja-guys. When she got the right time, she stole the important documents and ran away. The escape was not easy, she was all injured. That's when one of the ninja-guy snatched the documents and pushed her away, Shiki caught and knocked her down. When she woke up, she was Rose injecting something into her. She heard a soft "I'm sorry" as her muscles and heart gave up on her.

A lone tear dropped from his eyes.

He knew his brother wanted to rule, be the strongest, be on the top. He knew his brother and Rose loved each other so much that they could die or even kill. He knew his father had always despised Rose and his brother's liking for her. He knew his brother hated his father.

"Don't care about others. Just think about us. Be selfish just for this once." His brother's words echoed in his mind. "I would happily kill myself if you tell me to." He couldn't stop hearing the sweet commitment Rose gave to her lover.

Hadn't he knew about his brother's plan before, he would stop him. He found himself helpless, regretful and most importantly broken. His brother was his ultimate inspiration and then he found himself doubting it. The pain he was suffering from was unbearable. Before he knew it, he was a crying mess.

"I should had seen it coming. I know it's him." In his cracked voice.

Kyousuke hadn't left his sisters stone since her burial. He was drowning deeper in the depth of regrets. But he wasn't the one to stay still and regret. His sister sister wouldn't like him to do so. "Do you have a plan, what to do next?" He spoke for the first time of the day.

Saito was standing a meter away from him. He hadn't left him alone for once. He clearly knew what it felt to lose a loved one. "Yes, let's get ready to leave. I've got a place."


Guys this book will be ending soon (Maybe 10 more Episode)
So lets start the countdown.

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