Episode 21

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"This is it" Saito stated proudly. The huge smile on his face only mirrored Daniel's ,the rest 9 had expressions opposite to their.

"Are you serious? This is your place?" Romeo scoffed at him.

How could he not. The lad made them walk a couple of miles, climb up and down mountains, with their empty stomach growling embarrassingly and a constant fear of getting found. And then, there they were, in the ruins of the old abandoned Roman Garden of Main Capital Palace. It was a place some of them knew about but didn't cared to visit once and the rest never knew. The sun was setting in the far west, the cool dusky breeze blew, making them all shiver.

"Are you all going to stand there or come inside?" Saito and Daniel we're already inside a Roman Temple.

The remaining of the building was covered with a thick layer of dust, dried leaves and patches of mosses, ferns and fungi. Though old, the building seemed strong enough to shelter them all.

Kneeling on the ground Saito tilted a stone tablet at the centre of the room. An underground tunnel appeared, making everybody's eye wider. Saito smirked seeing their reaction and climbed down the tunnel. It wasn't too long before everyone followed his lead.

"You know what, let me repeat myself. Are you serious? This is your place?" Romeo said again, but this time it was a compliment.

The room was huge, like HUGE huge. More than half of the room was filled with super computers that could make a computer-geeks dream come true, like Sophie who was unrecognizable with the face-splitting smile on her face. The rest of the room looked like a joint kitchen and living room.

"There are only four bedrooms with attached bathrooms." Saito pointed at the 4 doors at the far end of the room. "And the couches here are comfortable too. It's not much but we have to manage." He continued as he shyly scratched his bag.

"But first let's wash up and grab something to eat." Daniel shooed them to the bathrooms.

"So, this is why you always stay at Main Capital Palace?" Aika, who was the most shocked of them all ,asked her brother. The latter just shrugged.

Sophie was more than happy. Saito had given her permission to use his computers. The lad even had a personal secret satellite. So, that explained why she was still able to use network. She sneakily tried to hack into Shiki's database or the ninja-groups database if there was either one if them, but she couldn't. Either there was no such thing or the bastard Shiki was better than her, that's what she thought. Pushing back the keyboard, she backed off a little from the computer, the farthest she had been with the machine in hours. "You didn't have to wait for me. It's past bed time." She turned her head to the side.

"No, it's cool. Shouldn't had drunk the coffee. Now the caffeine won't let sleep even glance at me." Saito smiled with a glee.

"Do you wanna have some fresh air? We might wake them up." Sophie couldn't understand why she proposed the idea but couldn't help but smile when he nodded and lend her a hand.

"You have some really cool stuffs." Sophie spoke out of the blue to break the awkward silence under the starry night. But the lad just nodes humbly. "How did you found this place?" She continued.

"When I was a kid, my mother used to bring me here to play sometimes. We shared many good memories here." Saito said as he pretended to throw pebble in the fountain, to hide his sad face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Sophie panicked. She shouldn't had brought the topic about the late Queen.

"It's alright. Things have been going rough far a couple of days so I got a little carried away." Saito reassured her. "You know what my mother's name was Sophie too and she looked just like you, pretty and kind!"

Sophie smiled. He was so humble and kind. He had this warm aura around him, that she could open to him and be comfortable. It was not long when they found themselves staring into each other and not even a second more when their lips touched, eyes closed. The kiss was soft, soft as her lips.

"I'm sorry!  I shouldn't had forced you." Saito broke the kiss when the realization hit him. He blushed hard as he turned away, not able to face her.

"It's OK. Saito, I....." Sophie was cut in half by the panicking guy.

"No, it's not OK. I'm really sorry. I just got carried away and forced you...." Saito didn't stop babbling, still not facing her.

"Just shut up!" Sophie cupped his face and kissed him full on mouth making him widen his eyes in shock, but soon giving in as he closed her eyes and enjoyed the movement.

[ "Mom, Why do you kiss dad?"  the little Saito asked his mother who laughed at her innocent son.

"Because we love each other." The lady answered as she picked up her son.

"Then can I kiss you too?" The boy asked his mother with enthusiasm.

"Of course you can. But you know what, one day you will find a beautiful girl who will be the love of your life and she will kiss you." The lady answered the little boy, whose eyes glittered with curiosity. ]

"Mom, I found her......" a tear rolled down his eyes as he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

Little did they knew, there was a girl watching them from a distance with tears rolling down her eyes. Not able to stand there a moment longer, she turned on her heels but ran on someone.

Daniel watched at the girl who collided with him. "AIKA. "


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