Episode 28

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"Guys! Another couple of miles and we are good." Leona shouted.

They were running away from the ninja-guys, if any were behind them, and completely suppress their power so that they won't be able to track them.

Though they were running for their life, deep down they were dead, Heart broken. Suffering from pain.

The pain of losing someone or something else.

The pain of betrayal from the loved one.

The pain of trusting the wrong person.

The pain of truth.

And especially the pain in their body.

"Ouch!", Scarlet fell flat on her ce for the umpeeth time.

Everyone slowed down and stopped.

"Tsk, get on my back." Shiki kneeled in front of her.

"No! I mean I don't want to burden you." Scarlet got timid.

"No, you won't be a burden. Just hop on." He insisted.

Fidgeting a little, she finally got on his back. She tightly clunged  on him as he got up abruptly. The muscles of his body were well tonwd and harrvand his hands were gripping her thighs tightly to balance her. She gekt her heart beating really fast against his sculpted back. She couldn'thelp but blush and bite her lips so she won't squeal.

Shiki too felt his heart racing. He gripped her tighter when he felt her heartbeat against his  back. Her warm breathe against his neck. He couldn't help but smile.

Then he remembered Rose or should he say Rosanna? He felt empty as well as full. Empty as she played with his  heart and left him broken. Full because she played with his heart and left his heart broken which made him feel he has a heart. A heart that truly loved someone. A heart which skipped a beat every time with a rhythm of the heartbeat against his back.

He smiled though it was hard running carrying a person, because it was not just any person. It was the person with whom he felt the feeling he had never felt before. Every touch, even the slightest induced Nirvana.

He finally accepted it. He had been in love with the clusmy-Scarlet haired princess all the time. From their first encounter in the game in the festival the princess, whom he had recognized despite her disguise, had siurped
The long Ramyun noddles along with his heart with a pop.

Scarlet was in esctasy. She smiled and held onto him tighter.

She was falling for him, hard. His charms has completely bewitched her. The way he cares for other without showing it as one of the things she loved most about him.

She tried to remember when she start falling for him.

[In the middle of a jungle, she walked aimlessly, lost. Wrapped only in a towel, she shivered when the cold night breeze hit her. She stared to doubt her competence. She wanted to be useful and help Kyousuke to find his sister. But she added up to troubles as tears added in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" A blurry figure asked her.

"I...... I got lost." She replied as she wiped away he tears to clear her vision.

"Tsk...wear this." He engulfed her into his huge coat. "Come, I'll take you to your place."

She obeyed obediently and followed him. The whole walk was silent.


The fresh energetic smell he had. She couldn't help but sniff it. The smell was surely gonna get on her she thought but she didn't cares, she liked the smell. She smiled inhaling the addictive smell.]


She was unknowingly sniffling at the crook of hisneck drowning into his addictive smell.

She abruptly stopped her actions when he halted.

Pink painted on her cheeks when ahe was caught off guard of him.

"Carry on. We will catch up with you." Shiki asked the others to go on.

"I'm sorry. I must have made you uncomfortable." Scarlet spoke never meeting his eyes and tried to follow the other.

"Then pay the price." Shiki pulled her back and kissed her softly making the girl widen her eyes in shock. But she gave in soon and responded his kiss.

"I love you." He proposed her as they broke the kiss to breathe.

"I love you too." She kissed him again letting her tears flow.

She opened her eyes when he carried her bridal style in the kiss. "They must be waiting for us." He said as he carried her along the path. Their friends had gone.

"Let's camp here. This area is safe." Kyousuke proposed. And soon all the 12 were sitting round the fire, warming their frozen tired limbs, and formulating a plan.

"Then this is it. Let's go to sleep. We need energy for tomorrow." Daniel closed the meeting.

And soon everybody except a couple agreed him and dreamed already.

Saito gently caressed the soft blue hair of the girl leaning onto him. "You know, I was really afraid when I thought that I was going to lose you." He confessed.

Sophie hugged him as she remembered the event. Her father died for her. A tear rolled down her eyes.

"Get ready for tomorrow." Sasuke told his ninja soldiers. "We are going to have some guests so sharpen and polish your weapons."

He grinned evil watching the moon slowly go to the dark west to free the sun from the far horizons.

To be Continued
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