Episode 19

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The battle was starting at noon.

It was 6 in the morning but Saizo was already up and hitting the road to Rose's rented lodge. The cool morning breeze hit his milky white smooth skin, turning them red. His whole respiratory tract shivered when he breathe in the icy cold air and formed a small cloud of vapour every time he breathe out. But the thin smile lining his face never fade away.

He was more than happy. Finally his big brother found himself a girlfriend, a beautiful caring girlfriend who was calm enough to deal with his perks. As known by him, Rose was a sweet innocent lady who was just opposite of his brother who was harsh, strong and violent. She was a fragile flower and his brother a thorn. But he couldn't understand why his father despised her. He had heard about the small dispute between his father and brother and next thing he knew, he was on his way to meet Rose.

He had always supported his brother's liking for her. The love for each other in their eyes couldn't be unseen. He was still going to support them no matter if his father agreed or not.

He was walking straight until he saw a couple hugging in middle of a deserted park. It was not just any couple, but his brother and Rose. He quickly hid behind a tree to evasdrop on them. Last time on his birthday, he had secretly wished to see his brother being romantic, when he blew his candles. Finally, his wish was heard.

"Don't care about others. Just think about us. Be selfish, just for this once." Shiki cupped her tiny face in the huge hollow of his hands. "Just do as I say without giving a damn care about others. It won't be long enough for you to be my queen."

"I would happily kill myself if you tell me to do" her eyes welled up as a small smile painted her face. "I will do anything you want, I am ready to do it if you are ready. "

There was a brief pause until she pulled him for a long breathe taking kiss. Paying away for breathe, they laughed at their situation.

"I'm all yours. Let's do it." She told him, pulling him into a hug.

"Then, let's do it. " Shiki replied

"God...... Thank you God... He is.... He is so romantic " Saito cried as he helped himself with a handkerchief to blow his nose.
Rose nervously fondled with the hem of her white apron. She had easily managed to pass through the guards, with her disguise. She ran her hand through the smooth cold stethoscope hanging round her neck. She remembered her younger self, who wished to be a doctor and save people's lives. Dressed in the infamous set of sky blue blouse and pants under the ironed white apron and surgical mask round her face, she felt her childhood fantasies come true. But the thing that hugely distinguished the reality and fantasy was that she was there to kill.

As known by everyone, Rose was a sweet madain who frequently volunteered in charities, orphanage and hospitals, and too kind to even kill an ant. Nobody could had ever in their wildest dreams imagined the lady was standing before the bedridded unconscious girl, IZUMI.

Rose removed her mask, unveiling her emotionless face. Her face became as white as ghost as she glanced over the IV drip bottle. Only a quater of the content was reaming. She had to finish her work before the staff come and change the bottle.

"It's for him. It's for him. It's for him. " She repeated the sentence in her head. The clock was ticking.

Within a blink of an eye, she took out the lethal injection from her pocket and injected it into the veins of the victim, who had woken up due to the action. "I'm sorry" ,she whispered watching the injection working on her.

IZUMI watched her murderer standing in front to her as her muscles became paralyzed and her heart slowly gave up on her.

"Where is he?" King Karasuma asked his younger son.

"I don't know " Saizo answered rudely, but still had a smile on his face as he glanced at the women in the hall. "I don't know what spell the witch has casted on both of you making you against me. " the King drank the wine in one go.

"Don't you dare call her that. Let's not talk about that. God you are so crazy. I hate you. "

"May I have your attention please. " Sasuke the new Council President of the Main Capital stood up from his chair. The dining tables in the hall was occupied by the King and Queen of all four Kingdoms, the officials of the Main Capital, the competitors and their guardians. "Let us toss a drink", he raised his wine glass.

"To the beautiful day" Sasuke raised his drink a little higher.

"To the late Council President." King Raven raised his glass. The old Hattori had done all the arrangements before he kicked the bucket. From arranging the dorms, catering, shielding the battle field, managing the media, shielding places as deactivation regions to even making banners and light sticks. He had done everything. Speaking about the deactivation regions, those were the places where one got deactivated. They couldn't use their power within the region. Places like the stands, press box and halls like one they were currently in were deactivated regions.

"To love " Saizo raised his glass, watching his father scoff with a smirk on his face.

"To all the competitors and spectators. " King Jack raised his glass.

"To us"

As the sentence echoed in the hall, so did a loud blast. Soon, the people in the hall collapsed one after the other as a thick fume covered the whole hall.

"Look Rose, I can already see me ruling the Aether. ", He turned his head towards the lady as he walked across the hall.

To be continued
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